Hi again Jport! This is Paul (and Kate) from the N Fork Quinault trail! You must be the one we met who passed along the message of someone waiting for us at the trailhead! On the Bailey Traverse thread, you mentioned talking to others about the Bailey Traverse at Low Divide, maybe it was the lone couple that we met as we went S to N. They were a young couple going the other direction. We wondered how they would fare since the weather had been crappy and they were entering the real route-finding area of the traverse. Does that sound like the people you talked to? Nice trip yourself - we actually wanted go up from Low Divide Friday night to stay in Martins Park but adding more mileage to the 16+ we had to do was not in the cards. Plus steak and cold beer were on our minds. Don't know if you noticed but when I saw you on the trail, I was picking up a couple of chanterelles to go along with the feast. You really got some mileage in! Good meeting you!