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Posts posted by amber10_79

  1. Quick question. I've been to Rockfest a number of times over the years, and tried to make it to Rope Up in 2007, but was unable to. From what I've heard, Rope up is similar to Rockfest, just on a smaller, and more casual, scale. What kind of equiptment does each person need to bring? I have shoes and a harness, but none of the ropes or belay devices, etc, as I don't get to climb nearly as often as I'd like to. If someone could even just point me in the right direction for info, I'd really appreciate it! Thanks



  2. Go to Rockfest in Leavenworth (this year, June 5-7). It's a great way for beginners to mix with moderate and even expert climbers; plus, it's just a great, relaxing weekend with cool people! Go to www.featheredfriends.com and call them for info.

  3. Wow, thank you to everyone for the responses! I work in retail, so I can't really afford (money or time) to run off to cali or CO...so it's nice to know there are some local areas to learn the basics! Hopefully, I find some one thats knowledgeable and willing to teach me =)

  4. Ok, I'm farmiliar with rock climbing; been doing that for a few years. What I'd really like to do now is to learn to ICE CLIMB!! I don't know where to go, who to talk to, what equiptment I'll need...someone help me!!!! It looks like a sport I could really get into, if I could just figure out HOW!!! ANY advice would be appreciated :chebit: -Amber

  5. I wish I had been able to go!!! It looks like you guys had a great time! Unfortunatly, a financial 'emergencey' (i.e. I was flat broke) kept me from attending this year, as I had hoped to do. Ahhhh well....*sigh* maybe next year....?

  6. I'm still somewhat unfarmiliar with some of the terms, and what some of the equiptment is for....but I'm trying to learn! Will there be anyone who can give me a crash course for that weekend?

  7. Is this similiar to Rockfest? I'd love to go, but I don't really have any gear yet. Any suggestions? Any information I can get on this get together would be awesome. I'm addicted to Rockfest, and once a year isn't enough! Thanks -Ber

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