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Jer C

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    near seattle

Jer C's Achievements


Gumby (1/14)



  1. Hi I'll give you $100
  2. Hi I'll give you $100
  3. Hi I'll give you $100
  4. Still for sale??
  5. Hey I was wondering if you have ever thought about Mount Logan Canada highest peak up the kings trench route? Similar time to climb Denali but remote. Doesn't see a lot of climbers each year. Only a couple hundred feet shorter. might you be intrested?
  6. Hey I was wondering if you have ever thought about Mount Logan Canada highest peak up the kings trench route? Similar time to climb Denali but remote. Doesn't see a lot of climbers each year. Only a couple hundred feet shorter.
  7. Hi spencer, I do know what things cost. It's alot. All I was wondering if anyone had any old gear they weren't using and it was sitting in the garage collecting dust they no longer wanted I would put it to good use. That's all
  8. Not sure exactly what you mean? explain please. THX
  9. Hey Everyone,(CHAD A, TOAST and FENDER FOUR) I have sent you PM's but I don't if it worked. In case it didn't my email's jchrist_123@hotmail.com Thanks
  10. cj001f What are you talking about. Gross and kinda wierd!
  11. Hey danielpatricksmith I need gloves, I have an okay but not great parka, around size 11 boots, pants.
  12. Hey I'm refering to snow pickets etc...
  13. Hey, I'm thinking of climbing Logan. Would love to hear from someone who's been there. Thanks!
  14. Hey I was wondering if anyones going up mount Logan next spring. Mount Logan Canada 6000m not the one in washington. Looking for hook up with someone. Let me know
  15. Hey I'm 15 and just getting into climbing. I was woundering if anyone had some climing gear they wanted to give away that you no longer need. I need things like axe, protection, crampons etc.. Any old but safe gear you have and you want to give away would be greatly appreciated and used. I can pay to have things shipped or I could maybe pickup. Just attended a mountain school and can' wait to hit the hills! Thanks! jchrist_123@hotmail.com
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