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Everything posted by skygrl07

  1. Not from Eugene, but i frequent the city for business often...is there climbing in the area?
  2. Sadly, i found no soul to climb with The weather was amazing and i sulked! But hey, it's better to stand in the warmth of the sunshine being sulky, then be in crumby Seattle weather.
  3. Hola! Female going to be in Redmond, Or on Wednesday Jan 14th. looking for climbers to meet up with for Smith Rock. I'm fairly new to the sport can climb 5.9 outside and 5.10 a/b in the gym. If your in the area and don't mind a tag-along, please let me know
  4. So how many wands do you think i would need?
  5. I'm all geared up...finally got the last piece of essential equipment, THE TENT. Thanks for all the great advice, I've dealt with winter conditions on Rainier and so I know what to expect for weather...but this will be a challenge. But again, thanks for the input.
  6. Na...i just can't spel
  7. I climbed Mt. Adams in July from the south and was thinking of doing it again this winter and was looking for advice. I've never done a winter accent before, but from the previous climb I feel it will be a good first route since it was non-technical, anything I should know before I go and what extremes would I be expecting from this mountain?
  8. You say FF is having a slidshow in Seattle? Could you give me details of when that may occur.
  9. Na, I live in Seattle. Quite familiar with it though, grew up in the area.
  10. Hi there! I'm a novice mountaineer and love to hike and am interested in learning how to rock climb. I'm 22, female, and looking for someone or someone's who wouldn't mind showing me the ropes or just letting me tag. I have shoes and a harness...lacking rope and well frankly have no friends who climb. I live in Seattle and am willing to meet up.I have weekdays off and only have an intro to rock 101 under my belt. If you have patience and don't mind a rookie PM me and we will figure something out. Laurel
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