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Posts posted by musky333

  1. I recently ran into a buddy who had a sex change operation. I didn't know quite what to say, so I asked "How was it"? He said it was the most painful thing he had ever been through. I said it must have hurt like hell when they cut your cherries off. he said "No, I was drugged up pretty good". I said then it must have hurt like a bitch (no pun)when they removed your hose. He said,"No, the drugs again helped." I said, well the bad part must have been when they sliced you to make a woman's genatalia. He said,"No the anesthetic saved me there, too." I said well then what the hell was so painful about changing into a woman? He said "The painful part was when they drilled that hole in my head and took half my brains out."

  2. I summitted Hood last Tuesday, south side about 8:00 AM. As I started down the chute, I noticed a guy about 60 feet down, that was sitting on his butt. He held his ax on the right side of his body,spike of his ice ax pointing out, pick down, holding his position as he reached his feet down to the next step and slid his butt down each step.As I got down to him, I went off to the side and noticed that he was not wearing crampons.I stayed out of his fall line as I descended, expecting him to lose it any time.Once we got down to the Crater Rock to pick up the poles we left there, I looked up and saw he had a couple hundred feet to go and then he went for a slide, appearing to go all the way down. Couldn't see what happened to him , the Hogsback being in the way from that angle, but there were other people in that area if he was hurt. Ever see anyone that high up without crampons? We had 35 degree temp when we left Timberline at 2:00 AM.This was one day after the two inch snowfall . We put on crampons at the top of the ski area and had hard conditions all the way up. I may be new, but I still couldn't imagine how he got up there without crampons.

  3. Matt, the park sevice frowns on "unofficial" guides in the park. However, let me relate to you the following story.


    Years ago I was a licensed fishing guide here in my home state. A couple of seasons before I became licensed, I was sitting at the resort bar when this guy from Indiana sits down. The resort owner had told him about me. He asked if I was doing any guiding. I said "No I don't guide, I just take my friends out for free, and if you give me fifty bucks, you can be my friend" He became my friend that day and he caught a pretty nice musky.


    Just saying.... ;)

  4. I have a friend who works for Alpine Ascents and he says that they and IMG are booked from mid June through the first part of September. Earlier dates are available.Some later ones too. Just click on Gator's Rainier site and look under guides to click on the web sites of the three companoes.

  5. I just want to post an apology to Ivan and everyone else on this site for losing it and going off on Ivan in the profane way that I did. Death has been an old aquaintance of my family too many times and I have always taken it in more somber tone. I did not appreciate the joke and went off in a way that I don't normally do.I have always respected this site and am embarrassed that I lost it.I hope that all of you will accept my apology. I have PM'd Ivan and given him a personal apology.Humbly, Jim

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