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Posts posted by studklimer

  1. check out feathered friends in seattle. they always seem to have the climbing gear I can't find anywhere else. a bunch of the companies, ie OR, Patagonia, Marmot, have stores in seattle area, and sometimes you can find stuff there. otherwise, try second ascents in ballard. it's kinda hit or miss for them, and it's all used stuff, but you can usually find some gear in pretty good condition. hope that helps.

  2. The venoms were designed more for use as an alpine tool, like you'd use that, then a "real" tool, for alpine routes. its a lot like grivels air tech evo. you could use it for waterfall ice, but you'd be better off with a "real" tool, like a viper, cobra, or something along those lines. they have more clearance, a different pick design, and will offer, for the most part, more security on water ice than would the venom. just my two cents, hope it helps.

  3. 1 axe if it's steep or hard enough that you might need to self arrest if you fall.

    2 tools if its steep ice, I don't usually use 2 until about 45 degrees, or if its like 35 degrees and plastic water ice (almost never, cuz we live in the PNW :)

  4. yeh, go with the eldorado, or a three season unless your going in the winter. the mountain hardwear trango, rei mountain 2, and the north face mountain 25 are all tents I see a lot, but they all weigh like 8 pounds. not quite sure why you'd get those if you could get an eldorado

  5. I'm not sure if this is what your looking for, but the new BD Vipers and Cobras both come equiped to be leashless, or used with android leashes. I own the vipers, and like them a lot, for both leashless and leashed climbing. And you can attach umbilicals to either pair.

  6. So, me and a friend were up at baker last weekend to mess around on the coleman, and we saw a bunch of frozen falls. The longest was about 200-250 ft, and the rest were probably all around 180-200 ft. Anyone know anything about those? We ended up climbing the longest one, not the best ice, and not hard, but I imagine it would be pretty good later on in the year. There looked like there could be some pretty fun mixed routes. Just thought I'd see if anyone's been up there later in the year, and knows if the falls are any good. here's a pic. the falls im looking at are on the cliff band at the top of the pic. the coleman is just to the left.000_0050.jpg

  7. My Titan picks came with the edge already angled, not square. As far as I know, every black diamond pick comes with the tapered top edge. Could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I'm right, this time anyways :) I've never had a problem with my tools getting stuck.

  8. Actually, a place like that did fly for a while, right here in the U.S. Cascade Crags, now the Everett Vertical world, had an indoor ice wall. They had a few routes, from a simple 90-degree solid wall to a bunch of overhanging, difficult mixed routes. unfortunatly, when Vertical World bought Cascade Crags, they tore down the ice wall and put up more rock routes. Its a shame, but, as wfinley implied, they were probably worried about liability, even though Cascade Crags had it up for years. oh well.

  9. If you want to get a tent, like a tarp tent, that can be used for mountaineering (on volcanoes, where there's plenty of room) you could consider the Mountain Hardwear Kiva. It is light, a four season tent, and sleeps up to four, comfortably. It is a lot like the Megamid, but I have found it to be more versatile, with more adjustments available. I used it for a few years, in the winter and in horrible weather.

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