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Everything posted by chrix

  1. very nice work!!! and ppl complain there is no 'ice' in oregon....
  2. We left tline at 11:15 PM sunday night, got up to the palmer in a couple hours, and turned around at 8500 due to weather. man it was nuts up there. had to put on the belay jacket on us just to be able to stay fairly warm and protected fromt eh jelly bean snice coming down at our faces. possibly make another go at her tonight (monday night) but unlikely...
  3. Still fairly high avy danger... low winds though Please let me know if you do give her a go sat night, especially if you do the gates. thanks. -chris.
  4. then its a good thing we arent getting out there till sunday
  5. Sorry to post yet another question on Hood SS route - but I am a Western NY'er flying out this weekend heading to tline. We have a 2-3 day window to summit hood this time Sunday-wed(last year we got turned away ~8500ft and its a long trip to not even get up to the hogsback) and I was wondering if anyone has been up the gates this year? I know last year the old chute was the preferred route, and from the TRs ive read so far this year - thats the same. I would like to go up the gates, as we will have 2 tools and are more ice climbers than mountaineers, but I want to know if anyone has been up there and at least can give me some info. on another note - if anyone is gunna be staying in tline early next and want to enjoy a beer together, let me know! -chris.
  6. Any other possible interested parties? -chris.
  7. yar. and I run adkclimbs.com too (low profile adk specific rock and ice) You wanna climb when im out there -chris.
  8. I am an East Coast kid coming out to WA for a course on MT Baker, and will have 3 or so additional days to possibly climb. I plan on renting a car and getting down to Paradise Thursday afternoon. I was going to just day hike up to Camp Muir on Friday, but then I thought why not post to see if anyone wants to head up with me. We could head up to Muir thursday afternoon and go for the summit bid early friday - or try to do it all on friday. I am up for either. If no one bites - I'll just day hike up to Muir. -chris.
  9. Howdy fellow climbers, chrix here from adkclimbs.com I just wanted to say that the whole ADK crew over here on the east coast has nothing but the best to say for the cilogear packs AND service. I, personally, had a slight tear in my pack. I emailed crackers and within minutes got a very friendly reply stating exactly what to do (as far as shipping etc). Within 3 days, yes 3 days from when I sent the email out, I had the pack back to me. Yes, I do live in NY so 1 day for shipping but you can NOT ask for better service than that. Graham for the win. -chris.
  10. Ok.. how about the K2 approach skis.... any approach skis. I am looking for others who have and use these... and what their thoughts are on them.... I know some of ya'll on this board must have some!
  11. Anyone use the kong grimpers besides me? I'm interested to hear if any of you alpine guys use < 100 skis. I like these mostly for my approach for ice climbing, as they take my plastics, are small and light, and make quick descents. I'm curios to know if others use these or similar short approach skis. -chris.
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