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Brutus of Wyde

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Posts posted by Brutus of Wyde

  1. Glad you got off the thing with your skins intact!


    Quick question: Is it necessary to deal with the glacier issue if doing the direct start to the route? Is the direct start or the approach to the direct start threatened by seracs?


    The route was one of our main goals last summer but the weather never cooperated, so we spent enjoyable days cragging in the Washington Pass area instead.





  2. Thanks all for the beta supplied to date. What I get from it is: Roads still need high clearance but you can get pretty close, on either end, to where you want to be with HC 2WD. East Face Pocket Glacier is still hanging in there, who knows when or if it will slide. If we decide to go for it anyways, cross early and quick, slides occurring as early as 8 or 9 am. And, (great beta BTW) still snow on the route to get water!


    Thanks again, and stay safe out there!


    Brutus, (logging in from ACC clubhouse in Canmore, headed for Wiwaxy Peak,) of Wyde

  3. Here's the deal: my partner and I need to be shuttled from the end of the good road in Slesse Creek to the departure point in Nesakwatch Creek in order to do Slesse NE Buttress.


    Our car ( a toyota prius) just doesn't have the clearance necessary fot the 2-car solution. We looked into the chopper ride with Highland heli, and its out of the question.


    We're planning on early August.


    So --


    Are you local?

    headed that way anyways and setting up your own shuttle?

    want to meet geezers from the Old Climbers Home willing to swap tall tales over brew before the trip?


    We're willing to negotiate on price including gas and beer.


    pm me or e-mail at brutusofwyde




  4. Here's the deal: my partner and I need to be shuttled from the end of the good road in Slesse Creek to the departure point in Nesakwatch Creek in order to do Slesse NE Buttress.


    Our car ( a toyota prius) just doesn't have the clearance necessary fot the 2-car solution. We looked into the chopper ride with Highland heli, and #1 they can't guarantee a slot, #2 its $740 canadian and #3 the chopper ride just don't sit well with us if other options are available.


    We're planning on early August.


    So --


    Are you local?

    headed that way anyways and setting up your own shuttle?

    want to meet geezers from the Old Climbers Home willing to swap tall tales over brew before the trip?


    We're willing to negotiate on price including gas and beer.


    pm me or e-mail at brutusofwyde



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