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Posts posted by Peakpimp

  1. Packed up the car and forgot to load up our sleeping bag. It is in a large white bag with the ground sheet as well. Was likely left on the ground in the main parking area of the Bridge Creek climbers camping spot in Leavenworth, Wa on 6/4/16. We love our bag dearly and miss it very much. If found please call 206 225 8493.

  2. Hey Folks, I'm currently on an extended road trip and ended up back in Seattle for the month of March.


    I just sent my climbing partner home to visit her parents so I'll be here for the next three weeks with nothing better to do than go climbing or skiing.


    I am really up for anyting from bouldering or cragging to alpine climbing or ski touring. With my preference being wintery alpine anywhere within 250 miles or so of Seattle.


    Let me know via PM and we could discuss objectives, Thanks!


    P.S. I've done nothing but climb rock and ice around the west for the last 7 months so I'm pretty dialed these days.

  3. Nice Work! We Shared the Camp Bird Road, Angel Creek Campground pullout with you! We were in the white Ford Van with Washington Plates. Ouray is cool but I definitely prefer the bottom up style of ice climbing and it took some getting used to just TR'ing everyting. Good work in Red Rocks! That 5.9 splitter crack in a corner high on Black Orpheus has to be one of the best pitches I've ever done there.

  4. For Sale: Brand new never used CCW Valdez Pack. This bag is beautiful and it breaks my heart to sell it. I had it custom made for me in March and never had the chance to use it. I recently got another bag that I thought would be much smaller although they ended up being almost the exact same size so unfortunately one has to go. $130


    I had Randy over at CCW make some modifications for me:


    The shoulder straps pull down, like a normal pack, not up.


    I had the ski slots on the sides removed


    I had the extension tube cut down from 13" to 5" to make it more like a snow skirt than an actual extention.


    I had Universal Tool Holders installed which makes it capable of holding any of the new modular tools.


    I'd like to get what I paid for it $130


    In the pics it is filled with two 60M 8.1mm ropes and one 60m 10.5mm rope. (not included) The Nomic is for reference only and not part of the sale.








  5. How about the movie "Everest." About the 1982 Canadian expedition to Everest. The way Jason Preistly gets swept away by a rockalanche will have you rolling. Otherwise it's fairly well shot, except the part where they're supposed to be climbing above 20,000ft, and there is clearly a broken off tree sticking out of the snow off to the side of the frame. And of course William Shatner makes any movie better. -Josh

  6. Trip: Colchuck Peak - North Buttress Couloir


    Date: 11/7/2011


    Trip Report:

    On Jens' tip that the Stuart range was looking promising my girlfriend and I decided to spent the weekend poking around while camping at Colchuck Lake for a few nights. Apparently we weren't the only ones spurred on by the stoke as the lake was packed with teams everywhere, checking out the conditions and generally chomping at the bit to get some climbing done.


    Friends at the beach camp on Colchuck Lake.




    It was cold, around 15 at night, and not above 25 during the day. There was a light dusting of snow on everything but not more than 1.5in of sugary powder. Our objective was the N.E. Couloir on D-tail and we hiked up Aasgard to check it out. There is continuous snow nearly all the way down with the exception of a big hole at the bottom which I believe could be negotiated with some creativity. We decided to bail on the route though for fear of finding the same sugar snow up high as we encountered down low.


    Here's a shot of the N.E. Couloir on D-Tail, apologies for the overexposure.




    We did climb the Colchuck Glacier on Sunday with a couple of friends we ran into at the Lake and got a good look at the gullies on Colchuck which both looked improbable. The N.E. Butt couloir had a HUGE hole at the bottom and 2 gapers up high and the snow in the N.B.C. only covered the upper half of the route.


    Shot of the gullies on Colchuck.




    Another team we encountered decided to go for the NBC that day and found stellar conditions of water ice, alpine ice and fun mixed, certainly more interesting than a moderate snow climb! We had been debating what to do with our last day out and after excitedly begging them for an update and eagerly hearing their report we decided to head up the N.B.C. the next day. On Monday we climbed the N.B.C. and found it to be in great shape!


    Approaching the couloir




    The route went up the central gully and climbs the face to the left of the chockstone at around 5.7




    Approaching the base of the gully after crossing an ice ramp.



    Leaving the belay



    Climbing up to the chockstone



    Some sweet WI2 ramps led above the chockstone to the snow in the upper couloir which varied from knee deep powder to perfect neve to water ice in the narrow sections.



    Looking down.



    Climbing snow in the upper couloir




    Out on the face after topping out the NBC




    A storm over Stuart that ended up catching us just as we topped out.



    Looking back at the notch and the lake.



    Climbing high on the face.



    Steep snow near the top.



    Gear Notes:

    A handful of pitons, 3 stubby screws and a small rack from tips to #1 Camalot was just perfect.


    Approach Notes:

    The Road is open and trail is dry.

  7. I am selling my Arc'teryx Alpha Lt $250

    Gore-Tex Pro Shell

    Size: Mens Lg

    Color: Titanium

    It is nearly new as it spent most of the time riding around in my pack and I really only ever wore it around town. It is an amazing coat, light and dry, it's just a little to big for me as I am actually a medium. Made in Canada it is the real deal. Email me with any questions joshkali@email.com



  8. Hello folks, I've sent a blanket PM to the usual suspects but I was hoping to catch anyone looking to get out that is not on my regular list. I'm off the next two days (mon-tues) and would like to get out for some alpine rock. Lib Crack, Direct East Buttress of SEWS, Backbone Ridge w/Fin direct, CNR Stuart, and the SW Face of Early Morning Spire are all on the tick-list but I am open to suggestions. Let me know if your interested via pm or at joshkali@email.com Thanks! -Josh

  9. Hello, Today I realized why soloing is so tricky, there isn't anyone else there to say "hey dude, don't for get your shit." So I accidentally left a pair of black Native brand sunglasses on the summit of the Tooth. If anyone heads up there in the next couple of days and finds em I'd really like to have them back. They belong to my girlfriend and you would be helping to make my stay in the doghouse significantly shorter, and I would definitely owe you a beer... or six. Thanks -Josh

  10. Hey there, I'm looking to expand my list of regular partners as now it seems everyone is either working weekdays, having a baby, hobbled from a hernia, suffering from a lack of commitment, or experiencing some other maladies that prevent regular forays into the 'pine. I am off monday/tuesday each week with the occasional wednesday. I would like to attempt a different objective each week, no matter what, and I have a long list of them to do. Snow, ice, rock, alpine, cragging, volcanoes, anything... really... -Josh joshkali@email.com

  11. Hey all. I have the next two days off and really want to get out. I'd be up for anything; rock, alpine, anything anywhere really. I was thinking something like the N.F. of Buckner. I have gear and can drive as early as need be. Give me a call @ 206-743-8192 or email joshkali@email.com

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