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Summit Horn

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Gumby (1/14)



  1. Kyle is sporting NOLS rain pants. Is he a NOLS graduate?
  2. Has anyone ever been on Obstr Point Road in May? I am thinking about snowshoeing it as far in as possible since I know its full of beautiful views and the Olys are supposed to have good weather this weekend.
  3. Trip: Colchuck Peak - Colchuck Col - Standard Scaramble Route Date: 4/7/2007 Trip Report: Last weekend's weather window allowed my partner and I to attempt Colchuck via Colchuck Col. Colchuck Lake is of course still frozen, but we only felt comfortable walking on its edge. The couloir up to the Col had pretty hard snow at about 7 AM, but when we came down at about 10:30 the snow was very sugary and would have been very unpleasant to climb up. The snow on the back (south) side above the Col was very soft, which slowed our progress significantly. The route from the lake: Argonaut and Rainier https://webspace.utexas.edu/tillackb/trash/Colchuck%20079.jpg?uniq=jsiu4c Kicking steps up the couloir https://webspace.utexas.edu/tillackb/trash/Colchuck%20059.jpg?uniq=jsiu4h Two climbers passed out tent on lake's edge about 5 AM and headed toward TC. They were at the base of the bottom section by about 6:45 AM. Not sure if they ever summited. Apparently six people attempted the route that morning. Coming down SUnday several more were gunning for TC on Monday. One party was also coming up with intentions to attempt NBC on COlchuck. Hope you guys had as a good time as us. Gear Notes: Crampons and ice axe. Approach Notes: The road to Stuart Lake trailhead is gated 4 miles short of the trail on account of a couple deadfalls and a bad mudlside 2 miles up. This trailhead will take a while to open. Snow covered the road about 1 mile short of the trailhead. The entire trail to Colchuck lake is covered by about 2-3 feet of snow, but it is easy to follow - many tracks.
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