Recently while reading the forum, I came across a section about Christian Climbers and their organizations. I was blown away by the rage and anger spewed by many climbers toward these people. These organizations do not have agendas, they have a passion. The main thing that flipped my lid was the fact that climbing is to be a community of people, brothers if you will, enjoying a climb on something we did not create. To bash anothers belief proves how shallow and unfulfilled that person who demeans them really feels inside. I also find it funny that only when topics of Christianity arise, do people become vehemently outraged and try to shut the whole thing if they could. Remember, I guarantee that at one time or another, you were conversing or climbing with someone on the Crag or in the gym, and they were a christian and you did not know it. And, you probably enjoyed there company. As for the Christian man who bolted Denali and was not supposed to be there...remember, "we have all sinned and fallen short of God's glory." When climbing His Glory, don't judge His servants who enjoy HIS rock with you.
Oh, by the way, Christ is the rock that shall not be moved!
Yes, I am a climber and a minister, and I would love to climb with any of you and enjoy the terrain my God created. "The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof"...we just play in it!
If you reply, breathe and write intelligently...not in anger.