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  1. Off White; Thanks for the motivation! Following your lead, I drove out to Mt. Washington on Thursday, May 10, intending first to do Ellinor, then deciding (because of snow on upper road and number of vehicles parked) to follow your route on Washington. It was later in the day than I wanted to start (took hours to finish obligations before leaving town). Beautiful, blue skies and views upward and of Ellinor and Eastward. Reached the ramp in 3 1/2 hours from the road, but by now was late in the day and I was plunging to my crotch every few steps. Conditions seemed to suggest a retreat at that point, but what incredible views, and the sense of the solitary silence of the mountain. The only steps I found were likely yours. Returned to the car satisfied with my first outing of the year, even though I didn't touch the summit. The last time I was on Washington was February, 1984. I won't wait that long for the next time. Gear note: After seeing your photo of "gaiters" I remembered to bring my ORs.
  2. Obstruction Point Road leaves the Hurricane Ridge Road at the edge of the parking lot before reaching Hurricane Ridge Lodge itself. The road is to the south (if I'm remembering correctly). Steeple Rock is the first prominent feature you'll see. Snow is where you find it. And the views can be awesome.
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