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Everything posted by Kevin_Grove

  1. The first uphill-downhill race at Mt. Bachelor is taking place on Sunday, May 3. 100% of the proceeds benefit the Central Oregon Environmental Center. Prizes, food, and beer have been donated to make this a stellar event. See you there. http://cascadeclimbers.com/plab/showphoto.php?photo=45402&cat=512
  2. Trip: North Sister - Thayer Glacier Headwall Date: 2/17/2008 Trip Report: On Sunday, Chris and I headed into North Sister via Pole Creek. I have been wanting to ski the Thayer Headwall for awhile and was shut down three times last spring due to poor conditions. After seeing how good things were on Saturday, I had a feeling the Thayer was going to be in good shape. The road was plowed for a little ways, but stopped about 7-8 miles and about 2000 vertical from the trailhead. Not to be detered, we brought skate gear and skated in on the nice, firm crust. Chris skating in. We ditched the skate gear at the trailhead and skinned the rest of the way in. Chris approaching the East Face of North. We went our seperate ways and I booted up the thayer headwall route. The conditions were super with 3-4 inches of corn on top of a firm base. I stopped at the saddle between the two summit pinnacles (about 50 feet below the summit) and headed down. Looking down from the top of the Thayer Headwall. Half way down the route. The conditions were perfect corn skiing, as good as it gets in a very cool alpine setting....until I skied close to where the route pinches down and faces more directly East instead of the top SE aspect. This was now in the shade and was quite firm and still pretty steep. I had to side slip for a ways through the notches until the angle lessoned and I could get back onto some softer snow. We met back up at the base of the east face, packed up, and skied out. Cruising back on the road with much lighter gear on our backs.
  3. Trip: Broken Top - SW Face Date: 2/16/2008 Trip Report: Ralph, Tim, Molly, Bob, and I headed into Broken Top on Saturday to harvest some corn. Perfect, firm booting conditions in the morning preceded sweet corn skiing in the afternoon. S and SE aspects were softening around 11 am. We skied pucker up on the S ridge heading down toward the bowl and then the SW Face later in the day. Great corn skiing in February! Molly skiing pucker up Ralph and Tim Climbing the SW Ridge Skiing the SW Face Sisters in the Background
  4. Steve House will be presenting his climb on the Rupal Face of Nanga Parbat in Bend on Friday, February 23rd at Bend High. Tickets are $7 in advance and $9 at the door. The full details can be found at: http://www.therapeuticassociates.com/Media/pdfs/ClimbingCamp_SlideShow.pdf
  5. A Mountaineering Training Camp with Steve House Presented by: Therapeutic Associates Physical Therapy Come to beautiful Bend, Oregon on February 24th and 25th, 2007, and learn how to train properly for REACHING THE SUMMIT from world class climbers and guides. This endurance climbing camp will focus on aerobic and strength training program development and education to help meet your climbing goals. The camp staff includes world renowned alpinist Steve House; Mike Powers, an IFMGA mountain guide; and Kevin Grove, the Wellness and Sports Science Director at Therapeutic Associates Physical Therapy. The two day clinic will include lactate testing, training education and information, rope skills clinics, outdoor ‘in the field’ training, Nanga Parbat slide show, and most meals. The cost of the camp is $349.00, not including transportation and lodging. Alpinists and climbers of all abilities and disciplines will benefit from this camp. To sign up today, contact Kevin Grove at 541-388-7738, kgrove@taiweb.com, or log on to www.therapeuticassociates.com/CentralOregon for more information.
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