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Posts posted by joblo7

  1. that guy should move to peru!! here , if it takes you more than 6months to sample 20, and marry one, you're gay.


    and you can hook up real quick too.........


    here you're rich.desirable.intelligent AND cultured even if you're from the midwest.

  2. american moronism


    lets see:


    age: not sure who's too old'

    platform: not sure who will be more 'bush-like'

    intelligence: not sure.?!?!?

    vision: ?!?!?! (not sure if m'cane can see.)

    americanism: not sure who is a true leader.

    skin color: not sure who's black

    religion: not sure who actually prays...

    party affiliation: not sure i can vote for 'them'.


    etc etc





  3. They're ALL left of center, it just depends where the center is. But I agree. Obama will undoubtedly do the EXTREME RADICAL MUDSLING thing that he does. McCain would undoubtedly do the noble, right, and mavericky thing, as he does. And Colonel Sanders will continue making delicious fried chicken, as he does.


    fw and porter, who the fuck knew?

    porter is sinking lower and lower.

    a very sad sight.



  4. For the good General to cross party lines and vote for Barack Obama it is clear that he is voting for color instead of character or integrity.



    Nice moronic ejaculation, there, brother........


    ya right!

  5. Here's one word you should learn how to spell, FW:




    It'll keep you stupid post count down to a dull roar.


    Google seems to be a crutch upon which the uninformed and/or uneducated like to rest. Congratulations to you and Prole both.


    antiquated brainwashed fool.

  6. The more McCain intimates that Obama's a socialist, the better Obama does. What's going on here?



    I'm predicting Obama by a landslide, but I also retain a healthy respect for the myopia and stupidity of my fellow americans.


    aint that the truth!

  7. It is true that Colon Powell served our country with integrity and character, however acepting secretary of state was just a way to further his career. For the good General to cross party lines and vote for Barack Obama it is clear that he is voting for color instead of character or integrity. I am sorry that such a good General could sink so low. But I guess that color knows no integrity or justice only prejiducism.


    you're such a fucking dweeb, porter.



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