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Everything posted by Hoping4Today

  1. Here's a map from the Oregonian (PDF) FWIW... Oregonian Map
  2. True but I'm sure most who are posting recognize the type, all too common on every BB out there - insecure, immature, cliquish - and will discount his comments accordingly.
  3. CNN - from scanner - Found in cave - 2 axes Additional ice tools Sleeping pad Anchor straps Additional equipment (ropes) When crews got to cave, they went to adjacent area and dug all the way to rock, therefore they feel there is no additional cave in area.
  4. They (SD, news, etc.) went back and forth between "axes" and "picks" - they seem to be talking about axes.
  5. Anyone have a picture of the Y/V/shape? I'm confused, I see a large drift/formation pointing toward the summit but seems too large/steep to have been man-made.
  6. Press conference on CNN now... Tiffany again - The snow cave gives us hope, they obviously knew what to do and they can do it again. Probably making a plan to take climbers off mountain - don't know whether anyone will stay up there tonight. Seems they hunkered down in the snow, survived for awhile, then got out - doesn't mean they didn't dig another snow cave somewhere else. Don't know how deep the cave was.
  7. Tiffany, continued - Still have footprints to follow. Footprints headed up, then disappeared. One sleeping bag, 2 ice axes, some rope. Cannot tell how recently someone was there.
  8. Tiffany, continued - Yes, this was the cave we thought Kelly James would be in based on cell phone info.
  9. Gerry Tiffany - climbers went into cave, found ice picks, sleeping bags, rope, other equipment - cave was empty as far as people, however.
  10. Capt. Chris Bernard - 304th AFRS - "From what it looks like to me, they have found the target area." SAR will have to evac summit at 4pm PST.
  11. Gerry Tiffany, cont: SAR will be up there as long as it takes, weather permitting.
  12. Gerry Tiffany, cont: Y symbolizes “YES, we are here.” We don’t know when it was put there – it is solid ice up there so it could have been there, we don’t know.
  13. Braibish, continued: CH47 spotted the cave yesterday. Because of extreme wind yesterday, risk was not acceptable to try to get to cave yesterday. Coil of rope and ice pick found. Q: Y shape, footprints: A: We got better look today - thought we saw footprints, but we haven't confirmed that. We have equipment up there now to confirm. We hope to have more info for you later today. They are not going to hike - this is NE/N portion of mountain. They are not going to "hike" they are going to climb. SAR will descend to ice cave. I do not have any further info for you, as soon as I do I will get it out to you. Gary Tiffany, Hood County SD Sergeant: Teams on summit are coordinating with teams on helicopter. Will We do see footprints - going to summit (then wind blows all trace of them away). Position of cave is 300 feet below summit.
  14. News conference: Captain Mike Braibish, Oregon Natl Gd: Using information to shrink circle and refine search. Info from yesterday shrank it, today's findings shrunk it again. Focusing on area where equipment found - relatively close to cell phone signal. Found what we believe is a snow cave - searchers on their way. Do not know if we have found the climbers, what we have is a target. We are confident it is a snow cave.
  15. Oregon Natl Gd has seen the snow cave. Fresh tracks to summit and back down to cave. News conference in 5 minutes.
  16. Also reporting that SAR believe wishbone shape/sign was intended as a communication.
  17. Fox reporting SAR hoping to reach location of suspected snow cave 1 - 2 hours.
  18. Not a climber - just praying for all involved, the three climbers and all SAR, from North Carolina. I have a strong feeling that today is the day!
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