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Everything posted by Zaphod

  1. Sold a bunch of these puppies. I have one 13cm (gold) screw left. I'm in North Seattle.
  2. I've got several of each size. 16cm (blue) and 13cm (yellow). They are brand new with tags attached. These are factory seconds and as far as i can tell the only flaw is that the BD logo isn't stamped as deeply/cleanly into the hanger as the non factory 2nds. Obviously purely cosmetic issue. Would prefer in-person, in-Seattle exchanges, but willing to do PayPal+shipping if you cover the fees. $40 each. alpinedeals@gmail.com
  3. What crampons (besides the recalled Petzl Sarken) come with frontpoints that have a T-shaped cross section?
  4. The iPod failures at altitude were the hard disk drive variety and were caused by the reader arm (which floats on an air cushion) not being supported at low atmospheric pressure and crashing into the HD surface. Not an issue with the flash memory based iPods. I'd recommend getting a headphone jack splitter so you and your tent mate can both listen to the iPod. A cheap pair of external speakers is a good option too. Entertain the whole camp.
  5. I don't need cable TV or phone service; I just want (non-dial up) internet service. What is the best deal?
  6. Yes, but it's bulky which means it's more likely to get stuck when pulling rappel ropes and takes a lot of time to tie. Use an overhand instead. For joining cord, I use a fisherman's. How often do you need to untie those knots? I hardly ever do. Note that in a proper Flemish Bend, the tails come out of the knot on OPPOSITE sides. If you tie the knot such that the ends come out on the same side, the knot will roll under load and you will die. I think that is what your well-meaning critic was thinking of.
  7. Cool. Recommended routes?
  8. I'm gonna head out there this weekend. What crag has the best collection of 5.10 and low 5.11 cracks other than Sunshine Wall? I've been to Sunshine Wall a bunch, so I'd like to check out a new place. Thanks.
  9. That said, health statistics tell us that gun owners are much more likely to be injured or killed by their own gun than by an intruder or attacker's gun. Owning a gun is a dangerous choice, but it is one that the founding fathers wanted us to be able to make.
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