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  1. Damn, you sure sound familiar. You're from that place where it's more important to attack the person than to focus on expressing ideas in a compelling way. You are used to the stick. Try the carrot. Nobody attacked you. Someone just stated the facts which you could not take at face value. Reality bites for you.
  2. People like you need to herd together so you don't get your feelings hurt. The only useless crap is coming out of your mouth. It's really cool to see you nearly come to threats on the subject. It shows how it really got under your skin. It looks like mission was accomplished.
  3. The best solution to this problem is not to climb at this place. The obvious firt reason is that the rock is second rate.
  4. yes and I see that you two contributing geniuses have a ton of information and insight to offer the subject. Welcome. Did it take you all week to think up those responses? Catturdeater is just a newbie to climbing. Your entitled to opinions but I wouldn't value them coming from a lemming.
  5. Yeah I think I did hit the nail on the head.
  6. Misinformation is what you just wrote. The anchors bolts aren't everywhere and for the most part seem to have been replacing existing rap stations. Keep up the spray tho you're pretty good for three posts! It's garbage. It's all about the point were driving here. You want to clutter the subjetc in order to cloud the real issue at hand because you also see the problem but want a diversion instead of confronting the issues. Someone should tell that old crusty bat Kramar to clean it up and quit climbing. You need a new hobby in life like knitting or something else. Your tired self should just give it up. Last time I saw you in the gym it looked like you needed a wheelbarrel to haul your gut around. You know what were talking about here. You're part of the problem.
  7. If you call talking about the facts of placing shiny bolts where cracks and good modern rock pro would fit misinformation then maybe you should consider schooling there my son. You see the problem we have nowadays is that people come in with this who cares about anything but me right here right now attitude. Perhaps they wear a yellow stripe down their backs now and don't want to talk about it. That's the usual response of no response. They get their buddies to do their fighting for them. Is that you this time?
  8. What a shame. They've ruined another good climbing spot by plastering bolts everywhere. I guess some people think that they have to make it safe for everyone who steps up to the plate. That's pretty lame. The people which engage in such bolting should pull their heads out of their bums.
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