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Posts posted by Egardner

  1. I'm going to agree with a neuroma and disagree on the plantar fasciitis. I've had and treated neuroma's. Mine only bothered me on climbs and during the descent when all the weight was on the forefoot. After resting for just a few minutes it went away, until I started descending again. It never bothered me when not climbing, until about a year ago. I finally had to have surgery as it continued to bother me even when not climbing. You can try shoes with a wider toe box. Orthodics probably won't help as it has to do with the amount of space between your metatarsals, to little space causes the nerve to get inflamed. Was it a burning feeling? Can you feel a "clicking" deep in your foot. It is normally between the 3rd and 4th toes but can be between any of them. Have someone squeeze your foot. Then grab the metatarsals (the bones in your foot right above your toes) on each side of where you think you were having the pain. Move them up and down in opposite directions. Can you feel a catching or a clicking


    Best thing you can do is go in and have it diagnosed, not try to guess what it or have someone try to tell you when they haven't seen the problem. If it is a neuroma and it's left untreated for to long then it can continue to grow and cause more problems. If you catch it early then things like anti-inflammatories, wider shoes, etc.. may prevent problems further down the road.

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