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  1. hi all, i wanted to add to the banter on mt hood but from a heart felt point of view as to why we climb. climbing rocks,trees,ice,or mountains we all do it for many resons, but i have always climbed for freedom of the soul, freedom from society, freedom from stress and many more, i had read in john muir, "travels to alaska" when he climbed a tree in a wind storm just to feel the power of nature ride the top in the wind and trust someting out there that "all was as it should be". here is a link to a great article and it sums up alot. read it and respond. you have to scroll down a ways to find it its called "A Mountain Of Risks And Mirrors.at www.newwest.net
  2. Post deleted by arrow
  3. arrow

    cleaning cams

    thanks gary,will do.
  4. arrow

    cleaning cams

    hey there folks, does anyone have a good lubrication for cams that wont get gunked up with dirt?
  5. so i have a question, it may seem simple enough for some but i am slow sometiimes. my climbing partner and i want to bring a third along on multi-pitch trad routs and would love some fresh insight into the set up for the climb. any one have any wisdom to share?
  6. a friend of mine fell on longs soloing and on the decent the snow was soft and lost his footing slid down a 50% slope bouncing off rocks with his feet smashing his ankels to pieces as he was heading for a 500 foot vert cliff he punched his fist into the snow to arrest himself it worked but it brock his arm. the with broken arm, smashed up legs he crwled out at night. on his way out his knees got frost bit bad, he made it to his car early in the morn and managed to drive to a dunkin donuts where there was a person baking and laid on his car horn untill the guy came to get him. he made it like so many who do. but there are multitudes of those who havent.
  7. i was wondering if anyone had good beta on mount anderson in the olympics?
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