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Everything posted by Normanjohnson

  1. hey donny - did you know if you rub bleach on your pecker it feels good?
  2. How about this one, from James Blunt - with a little Wierd Al. YOU'RE PITIFUL (YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL) Sport climbings' brilliant. Trad Climbings' a joke. Mountaineerings' pathetic. Aid just aint dope. You're pitiful You're pitiful You're pitiful its true. You cant climb face Cuz your skills disgrace and you're slow and jerky too. What a bummer being you. You hate 5.10 Cuz it's harder than sin I guess you should go out and repeat . . . Dihedral again. First you chop bolts then you bitch about it too Well a hypocrite is you. What a bummer being you. Repeat Chorus.//End. By the way - I always figured Marty liked Boy George.
  3. matt - i agree with you that a short guide/topo can inspire individuals to buy guidebooks - especially guidebooks for areas like Smith Rocks and the new Red River Gorge climbing guide b/c these are large areas and are written in a format that makes great reading while a person shits. But in an area like Deep Creek, that sees little new traffic each year, any download hurts.(Assuming Marty has any feelings or is even cognizant when he looses something). Once again, it's the little guy who gets fucked. Imagine if Labelle's guide for Banks shows up on the internent. Banks is so small their wouldnt be any reason to buy the book, especially for a one time visit. People who collect guidebooks arent far off from Dinosaurs. The Donny Bakers are about to inherit the earth and they don't give a piss about anything - except maybe nunchuck, bow staffs, and brass knuckles. Anyway- My real problem is with the guy who submits the information to Drtopo. He is the thief. Drtopo did not come to deep creek. The information on their website was submitted by some dude (he is cited on the website) in pullman who obvioulsy took the names and grades out of Bland'd guide and then reformatted the topos. If you look at the grades, they are identical to the ones in the guidebook and do not reflect the consensus grades which have been established since the guide came out. Finally, the insult to injury lies when Drtopo gives this dude(thief) free gear for submitting someone else's work. It's probably legal - but it's slimy and it's a bummer.
  4. Donny - what you are advocating is piracy. Everytime a guidebook is put up on the internent, for free, it deprives the local guidebook author of the income they make - from the work they did. For instance, when Marty Bland and Rick Labelle put out their guidebooks, countless hours were put into research and writing - as well as publishing costs - which the author should br entitled to recoup by book sales. When an individual (thief) takes the information from the book and lists it on a website, it is nothing short of theivery. Especially when that individual (thief) recieves some reward, such as gear, from the website - like they do at drtopo.com. If you can afford a boat, I saw it was for sale, and a dirtbike, you can dish out the digits for the guide. So, first and foremost: buy local guides! They're typically written by local climbers who are pasionate about the area and when all things are considered, usually are lucky to recoup their investement. Second, I suspect your research skills could use a little refreshing. Unless you're lying, the local library has some of the guides on their shelves. Third, when you go back to the library, do another trip report.
  5. Strange days indeed when Marty is the accuser rather then the accused. Sounds like you're the one with the hard on for Donny.
  6. I guess nobody on this site understands saracasm. Here is what I literally meant: Marty is not "lord of the land" but rather an imbecile with a bosch. Nobody I know likes Marty and rumor is his Mom thinks he's an arrogant ass clown too. Marty actually does wreak of decay and his belay skills rival that of any animal lacking opposing digits. Oh - and Mcash - thanks for update on minni - I've been trying to figure out which place is more popular for years. Oh, and is there any other climbing other then sport (sarcasm) and bouldering (sarcasm)? Finally - lets be honest gentlemen - Donny and fletcher cant do the dyno b/c it cant be done. Honesty and common sense dictate there are some things in this world which are impossible. We as a population should quit sugar coating everything and call it like it is. Marty is an asshole for sure, but at least he's a realist. Now, with that said, I'll guess I'll piss off.
  7. It seems to me, if Marty cant do the dyno, then who can? Marty is lord of the land around here son. Marty brought sport climbing and .14a to the inland northwest. Marty and his merry band of cholters made Dishman the only popular urban shitpile this side of fuckville. Marty taught us it was ok to smell bad and have poor social skills so long as if you can climb hard. Hell, everyone I ever met likes Marty Marty is Spokane Climbing! So, Donny Baker - if Marty says you cant do the dyno - forget it and tell your buddy Fletcher to forget it too. oh, and by the way - I bet you can ride your atv into Dishman. But watch out for roadsted, he might be napping under Rock 106.
  8. If Donny Baker wants to ride his ATV up to Chimney you clowns ought to let him. All you ever do is spout off about climbing anyway. Everybody has an opinion on this forum but I doubt anybody really climbs anyway, I think everybody just talks about climbing and all their stupid rules. "dont ride your ATV to Chimney" "dont add bolts at Dishman" "twenty feet dynos are possible" "save the world" "dont eat whales" this place is like Oprahs book club, but worse. Donny Baker - you do what you want - kill baby seals for all I care. And remember - most of these tools don't climb anyway so their opinions don't count.
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