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Everything posted by ragingturk

  1. In case you were wondering about the strangely stacked rocks at your tentsite: Trying to get better reception of KEXP on a lazy morning. We did WR of Forbidden the day before (only one other party on it) and left after noon over to Shale Arm for more action. Great strech of weather.
  2. I will personally shovel.
  3. And a store selling T-shirts where the cable car terminates which say "I climbed to the top" Given the traffic on MtHood don't be surprised if that happens soon. You should see the zoo on top of MtWashington in the summer over here. The other year there were these guys from Starbucks with their green aprons serving coffee samples on the summit of Ranier and videotaping the thing. I wanted to kick their asses down the cone.
  4. I see and agree with your points. In fact, personally I wouldnt want to see fixed ropes up there for cosmetic reasons. I'm just trying to spark some creative thinking. How many more times does the same accident need to happen? OK we want to maintain the wildernees feeling and promote self-reliance. But come on, there is a ski lift a mile away, all mechanized. Pickets wouldn't work obviously. How about steel cables similar to via-ferrata routes in the Alps? That stuff is very common in Europe. You can't stop the people from going up there, but at least increase the safety factor.
  5. I think what I'm about to suggest will enrage a lot of people, but I should: Having been on the spot of this accident and knowing the amount of traffic and average experience of people who attempt to summit on a given weekend day, perhaps there should be more drastic measures to prevent these text-book, repeat accidents. (risking the lives of rescuers and tax money) In fact, I'll go so far to suggest fixing a line from the schrund to the top of the Pearly Gates. The climbing community (guiding companies, etc) could help maintain the lines and novices can just clip in and avoid incidents where they not only harm themselves but others. So what, guides on MtRanier do similar things all the time. I know people will think that this will make the place a zoo. But come on it already is. And if you don't wanna be part of it, just do one of the easy variations on the left face off the Hogsback. (avoid the whole zoojam).
  6. Yet another annual west coast pilgrimige is upon me and my partner. You all know a good climbing trip isn't complete without your favorite food stop on the way home. I still don't have one coming out of the North Cascades (west side). Can I get some recommendations for a good place to eat after Marblemount? Perhaps in Burlington? Requirements: 1. Good fresh brew (preferebly brewed on site) 2. Good fresh brew 3. Good fresh burger/meat Spin this as you read your morning email at work, and fill in those TPS reports.
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