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Everything posted by Zacs

  1. Thanks for the help, I appreciate it. I've noted the two climbing stores in Missoula and will contact them. Bug: appreciate the route advice. I've been around Mission Creek but I can't think of this logging road, but I'll figure it out. I've spent a lot of time at lower elevations in the Missions but I've never climbed up into the high country. I know about the bears, AND water'm holes in Ronan Zacs
  2. Hi, I need to find as much info as I can on climbing and hiking in the Mission Mountains of western Montana. Specifically, I’m looking for as much info as I can on the trails, hikes and peaks above St. Ignatius, MT., i.e., East & West St. Mary’s Peaks, Lowry Peak, “Peak Y”, McDonald & West McDonald Peaks, and Kakashe Mountain, and the various lakes contained therein. This part of the Mission Range is tribal land belonging to the Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes, and it is closed from July 15th-Oct. 1st by the tribes to prevent human/grizzly confrontations. Consequently, there aren’t too many peeps accessing these mountains so info is hard to come by. With the exception of one high-pointing trip to McDonald Peak, and one or two other sketchy trip reports of nearby peaks, my internet searches have failed to produce any info. Likewise, I can’t seem to find much on general climbing in Montana, and very few hits on the Missions. I would love to trade some PM’s or emails with folks that may have knowledge of this area. Or, if someone could point me in the right direction info-wise I would be indebted to you. Thanks, Zacs
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