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Posts posted by aradia

  1. Well, I scoped out rocky butte this afternoon. It's time to find a belayer. Who wants to help me work a 5.13 over there? Or at least point and laugh while watching me flail? ;) Looks like tomorrow's the last dryish day before off and on rain through the week; otherwise, let me know if you're game and we can keep our eye on the weather for a good day.


    I know you're itching to point and laugh, Bill *grin*

  2. I do indeed remember that. I also remember thinking, as we were cleaning that flake, that the dirt we were cleaning may very well be the only thing cementing it to the rest of the buttress.


    Speaking of cleaning, I just realised that I forgot to grab my brush on the way out the door. Oh well... I need to drive halfway home before I turn around and hit the butte; might as well go all the way and grab the brush so's I can clean anything if necessary.

  3. Dude! I thought you wanted to be pushing yourself on the hard 11's and 12s so I blew you off. Shit, you wind up doing 5.9 and 10a fingercracks, hell I could have climbed with you. grin.gif


    I know, I know! I set up a fixed line on mean street to see if I could get close enough to Packin' Heat to work the moves, but the lone tree is waaaaay far away from the route. I'd have to anchor off the guard rail and go through the blackberry bushes to get to the right spot. I saw a couple folks walking over to toothpick wall, so I joined them instead. What can I say?


    My fingers really needed a break though from the last 2 times I was hanging with you and got all beat up, I wake up at 3 am and they hurt. Later they loosen up as the day goes on... not that you give a rats ass as long as you get a belay:-)


    Understandable. smile.gif And I'm sure I at least give a rat's ass. Maybe even a squirrel's. Hard to say.


    You should try wisdom tooth to the right of Birds of Paradise, it's probably a 12. I haven't been on it for years (since I got old and fat) and have never ever seen anyone else on it, so it might be dirty.


    Yeah, that's what I want to get on. A dirty route. Wonderful. I at least know that _someone_ has been getting on Packin' Heat. There's a bail sling on the second (?) bolt.


    Good lead too, it will take those new cams pretty good. Word to the wise- I'd try and pull that obvious flake right below the crux off on rappel first, it was slightly loose years ago, God only knows what it's thinking of doing now. confused.gifgrin.gif


    Duly noted. I'll try to remember to take a look at it.


    Any plans this weekend? *winkwinknudgenudge*

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