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    Where the wind blows strange

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  1. Thank you very much. I just wasn't sure which city or town to punch in. peace
  2. does anyone have a link to a decent forcasting site for Mt Hood? I am planning a trip up on sun and am having some diffuculty finding the correct weather info. Any thoughts on current conditions up there now? Thanks peace
  3. Hi ya'll I just want you to know that I have learned something here on this site today... From now on no matter what I climb, winter or summer, I will always carry the following: three ice tools and an axe, spare picks and bolts (two for each tool), three ropes, two extra gallons of fuel, spare food for two weeks, two stoves per person minimum, A tent, bivy bag, space blanket, signal mirror, two cell phones, 2 spare batteries for each, a HAM radio, an auxilarry antennea for the HAM, spare batteries for this, a GPS, a PLB, a family radio, a whistle, dry logs and an axe, matches, lighters, flints, lighter fluid, heat packs, spare clothes...good God many, my personal favorite a not yet invented indelible mountain marking device that will explode bright color around the spot where I am (telepthically controlled of course), and Toblerone I just had to vent...it was that or I was going to gouge my eyes out peace
  4. Thanks for the info. I know that I would like to live in Bend proper but I just wanted to make sure that I could get my fix. I would hate to move across the country only to find it more diffucult to climb than it is in the east (my present place excluded). Again thanks for the input. peace
  5. Thanks for your reply. I am not all that sure of exactly where we want to end up. We moved recently from a town of 800 in Western Mass to the Gunks where we have a 200ft cliff on our land and two towns six miles apart each way. We visited Bend/Redmond/Terrebonne last week and my position will be in Bend. Bend seems like a sweet little city and we only had time to look at one house. It was nice but it was all stacked on top of other houses and I don't want to live like that. We have two dogs one a pitbull and one is a German Shepard so they need to be fenced in. So if we can live im or really close to Bend AND have some rock to climb very very close by we would be happy. We would also consider either Redmond or Terrebonne but the further out from Bend I get adds distance to my commute to that awful four letter word called work (such an innocent sounding word isn't it?). The main considerations in order are. First decent climbing (doesn't have to be too big just enough to climb when I can't get to Smith). Room for the dogs. As far away from neighbors as we can get (while being in a reasonable commuting distance). decent rental rates in a decent house. Our other interests are Rock/ice/alpine/big wall climbing. Running, biking, fishing, hiking, ect. Also if I may ask where are the areas to climb in Bend (ie near the smokestacks or some other reference that I might be able to figure out only having been to Bend once for three days). Also where in Redmond ect? Thank you very much for your input and your time. peace
  6. Howdy all it looks like you are gaining a couple of neighbors. I would like to say hello and ask a couple of questions. Hello. My biggest question is that we are looking for a home in the Bend area but want to have rock very close by. We looked at the Crooked River Ranch but that is kinda far from Bend where I will be working. I am wondering if there is any other pockets of rock in other towns such as Redmond or even south of Bend. We are very interested in Terrebonne but if there is anything closer to Bend proper or with less of a commute I would like to check it out. I interviewed last week and will be offered the cashish tomorrow and have only had a couple of days in town. So we don't know the area all that well. Now we will have to get out of here (the Gunks) and move to the Bend area and find a house while all of our things are still packed in the moving truck. I don't want to take to long and I don't just want to move again as soon as I arrive so I thought I would ask for help. Any thoughts? Please advise. peace
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