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    Richmond, B.C.

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Gumby (1/14)



  1. http://www.westcoastice.com/site4.aspx West Coast Ice website... should give you all the info you need
  2. Glad you enjoyed my little bit of art on your car Don!! Rambles center was great fun. We went up to the top step and Climbed left finish and right finish. Both in good condition. I'll post the marble pics and rambles etc on the west coast ice website.
  3. The temps are dropping into the Minus' and stay on a trend in those temps starting on the 14th continuing past the 21st. Looks like we might actually get some climbing in.
  4. holy frick... the long range says its gonna stay above freezing until the 10th.... WTF! Looks like its time to go east, south, or north.... anywhere but here!
  5. well it's 6 right now... that's good tanning temps... ill bring the tanning oil for the new years party!
  6. dope, I was trying to figure out what Gadd and friends have been up to out there. sounds like a wicked route. Can't wait for the pictures
  7. debo - I used conduit hangers for hand matching/triggers on my vipers. I have heard of people using them as well for the bottom of the shaft just like a Viper Fang on tools like Cobra's. Grivel also has their own triggers that they sell. Ask your local gear guru to see if they would fit on your tools.
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