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Posts posted by counterfeitfake

  1. I guess I shouldn't argue before knowing the facts, so I just looked through the first 2 pages of trip reports. I saw first ascents, I saw dog routes, I saw 5.11 and I saw scrambling. I saw some of the same routes over and over. I saw awesome pictures, I saw a lot of stoke, back patting and congratulations, I saw beta being shared.


    The only spray I saw was in pope's TR.


    There might be some jerks here and there might be more spray than we really need. But can't understand being reluctant to post a TR because you are worried about how it will be received.

  2. Climbing is as much about humanity as it is the mountain


    And cc.com is as much about humanity as it is about BBS software.


    The reason you get hosed down on a regular basis is you keep acting like a melodramatic nerd and talking like you have a stick up your ass. What do you expect when you say something hoity-toity like "I can think of 8 off the top of my head" or "Will the 'abusers' voluntarily control themselves if consensus dictates as such?" Your past experiences show that you should expect to get sprayed down, but yet you're endlessly surprised.


    I'm a noob and I am not afraid of CC.com. This is the internet. It's public. People post on the internet. Some people are assholes. If you run crying whenever someone is a little rough with you, maybe you'd better not go out in public. There are good content and people here and it's not too hard to sort out the crap.




    From what I see, TRs generally get thumbs-up. I've written trip reports for the Sulphide Glacier (woohoo) and NW Arete of Argonaut, these aren't hardman climbs but the reception was generally encouraging.


    I think Gary has the perception he states above because people like to spray on him, specifically. Because he'll react all indignant and affronted.

  4. Yeah, Libra just HURTS for two moves, then gets reasonable. I still have a divot in my hand.


    The Aries chimney elicited some good responses... My follower: "I almost threw up at the top." From a guy I know who had just climbed the Grand Wall: "Oh I wouldn't lead that thing." My girlfriend walked right up it though. Maybe it's all in the chromosomes.

  5. What a stupid topic, but Ill bite.


    Its almost friday, and my company is letting us all of at 1pm tomorrow! Im going climbing.


    It's almost friday and my company is letting me go home at 5pm tomorrow!!! I'm going to find you and Kick you in the nuts!!!


    Your request was denied because of its content categorization: "Humor;Violence"


    The corporate firewall is good today!

  6. the third climber does a top-rope solo while the other two climbers start the next pitch.

    This requires a special device for the third, such as a GriGri or other, and he must self-belay. This would be slow unless the climbing were easy.


    Or a clove hitch...


    Anyway, it might be slow for him but it's not slow for the group, because you're making the work parallel instead of serial.

  7. hey fuckbag...i'm not trolling...my point is that IF THE HOLES ARE MISALIGNED BLAH BLAH...


    Hey douchebagger... I said there are no defects in the Alien in question, right? I'm sure that's the first thing these guys looked at when they got back from the doctor's office. They didn't say anything about it. If there was a defect they'd be screaming about it by now.


    So we're still back to my original question.


    I don't even disagree with your assessment of CCH, they seem kinda chintzy to me too. But I don't see how anyone can call this a "cam failure".


    I guess I'd accept that you're trolling on accident, due to the fact that your reading comprehension kinda sucks.

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