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You are totally wrong, I'm a lady who was up to Mt.Baker helping American SAR for the missing climber Kevin Lafeur. It's getting rediculous. I wouldn't bother responding anymore.
Western Media Distortion Violence and Riots by Tibetan separatists .....................................
I have no problem with the people of Tibet or other countries or provinces choosing independence and choice of governance as long as it is truly the choice of the majority of the people; also that it is approached through peaceful means. As China opens its doors more and more to the world, I believe that a system of democratic election process will evolve and support these issues. Again China closed its doors to the world as a result of many losses in unity from the opium wars, incursion from the outside and from WWII. The cultural revolution has been the bad solution.....Now they are trying to move on. China, Notwithstanding its less than perfect human rights record, is making progress. The entire nation, from high-ranking officials to factory workers, has been working extremely hard to get the country ready for the Olympics. I regard this as the Chinese nation's heartfelt effort to be accepted into the international community. This is a great opportunity for Western nations to use their influence for further improvements in human rights. Instead of embracing such positive changes, though, Western nations have tried to outdo each other in criticizing China. This will only act as a barrier on China's road to democracy. The best way to change China is to engage it, not isolate it. We should refrain from dishing out harsh judgments about a country that broke from Mao's iron grip only three decades ago, a country the Dalai Lama himself once hailed as the only hope for Tibet (he conveniently forgot, of course). A helping hand to create a positive environment for change is much more constructive than a cold shoulder. Let's see some info on so-called "peaceful movement" stated/launched by the Dalai Lama. According to the Dalai Lama previous statement, he supports Bejing Olympic and He doesn't choose independence........But..... Dalai, Your Smiles Charm, Your Actions Harm http://www.tibetanyouthcongress.org/aboutus.html'>http://www.tibetanyouthcongress.org/aboutus.html http://www.tibetanyouthcongress.org/news/october10_2007a.html TYC admit that Tibetans Storm Chinese Embassy. Relationship between TYC and the Dalai Lama http://www.tibetanyouthcongress.org/aboutus.html "No Olympic in China Until Tibet is Free" http://www.tibetanyouthcongress.org/campaign.html http://www.tibetanyouthcongress.org/aboutus.html#organisation More info about the Dalai Lama: Dalai Lama and Dorje Shugden Dalai "Da-Lie" Lama's Naked Truth Exposed; Re Tibet Violence Tibetan, Han and other 54 ethnics are family. The violent riot in Lasha is instigated by Tibet Separatists who have greatly upset the local public security and threatened the safety of local residents (Including Tibetans, Hans, Mongols and other minorities). Separatists attacked Chinese, say Lhasa tourists By Thomas Bell(from Switzerland) Thomas Bell saw one old Han Chinese man rescued from the mob by elderly Tibetan people, and believes the intervention of a Canadian tourist saved another life. John Kenwood, a 19-year-old Canadian, believes he saw a man die. "They were knocking people off motorcycles," he said. "One man was hit several times in the head with a large piece of sidewalk." When his attackers left him he was not moving. Mr Kenwood also saw boxes of stones being supplied to Tibetan throwers. "To me it was like it was planned," he said. If people have the rights to let their vioce be heard, it should not be only the Tibetan Separatists'
jordop, let's air your voice! Free Tibet! Free Basque! Free Catalonie! Free Québec! Free Corsia! Free Brittany! Free Scotland! Free Walse! Free Abkhazia! Free South Ossetia! Free Pridnestrovie! Free Serb-dominated Northern Part of Kosovo! ........
In 1653, Qing Emperor offically gave the title Dalai to the head of Gelug Schools of Buddhism in Tibet. Since then any reincarnation aka successor of Dalai has to be approved and confirmed by Chinese central government. In 1954 current Dalai Lama became Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress aka the parliament of PRC. SO, if Tibet had been an independent country then, how came a "foreigner" like Dalai could hold such an important position in the parliament of PRC? Here is a booklet to present Western readers with historical facts that have been filtered from them by mainstream Western media. The author made every effort to have all materials used in this booklet referenced, most from Western publication. The author is not saying non-Western publication has no credibility. But since many, if not most, Westerners feel only their publication represent justice and credibility, let’s cater to this irrational preference. http://www.wangyee.net/comp/Tibet2004.htm This is a film made by the US in 1944 to explain why the USA was helping China to fight against Japanese invaders. In this film it very clearly stated that Tibet was part of China. This video tells you a lot about important historical facts of China. Please at least take a look at the first part. Another exampl: An USA stamp of 1942 , which shows the Chinese map and Tibet area was part of it. http://www.junior-philatelists.com/USStampsHistory42.htm This is a video to show that many "Free Tibet" supporter have no idea where is Tibet! Do they really know what they are talking about when they support “free Tibet”? The following materials can help the people who are interested or concerned about Tibet to LEARN more about Tibet before making simple judgments. The history of Tibet’s belonging to China has been over 700 years and the USA acknowledged that like the previous example shows. Then why do most recent western people got an impression that China recently took over Tibet in the 1950's? When did the "Free Tibet" Champaign started and how? One major impact was made by USA CIA. The effort to separate Tibet from China was part of the Cold War. And you can read the following disclosed USA government history files about their actions here: When the media make you believe Tibet was recently took over by Chinese, they would not tell you this history and the things CIA did during the Cold war. http://www.state.gov/www/about_state/history/vol_xxx/337_343.html Cite: The cost of the Tibetan Program for FY 1964 can be summarized in approximate figures as follows: a. Support of 2100 Tibetan guerrillas based in Nepal--$ 500,000 b. Subsidy to the Dalai Lama--$ 180,000 c. [1 line of source text not declassified] (equipment, transportation, installation, and operator training costs)--$ 225,000 d. Expenses of covert training site in Colorado--$ 400,000 e. Tibet Houses in New York, Geneva, and [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] ( 1/2 year )--$ 75,000 f. Black air transportation of Tibetan trainees from Colorado to India--$ 185,000 g. Miscellaneous (operating expenses of [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] equipment and supplies to reconnaissance teams, caching program, air resupply--not overflights, preparation stages for agent network in Tibet, agent salaries, etc.)--$ 125,000 h. Educational program for 20 selected junior Tibetan officers-- $ 45,000 Total--$ 1,735,000 Diary of Tibet: Two American tourists ' travel Diary of Tibet. Very informative. Watch and think. In total it has 7 10-minute Eps. The last Ep. This is a recent short film made by an USA Producer about Tibet. It talks about Tibet's history and politics. Please take a look and think. At the end it says: study history, not the media. the truth is not to be found in the television broadcast. 《Tibet:The Truth》 For more information: www.monarex.com
I don't know your case, I only know that there weren't any problem for my friends to bring Bibles back to China. e.g. my group experienced a backcountry tragedy on March 23,2008, one of my group members Leo died, we gave a bible to his brother when he came here for the settlement, he took the bible with him when came back China without any problem........ FYI: http://www.clubtread.com/sforum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=25836
Guys, your puerile attempt to discredit me by dismissing me as a Communist/Nationalist/spy is pathetic, and only serves to further demonstrate the height of your ignorance. NONE of my family members including myself, my relatives and my friends are from communist party , none of us ever work for Chinese government. We are the Chinese minority just like the Tibetans. In conclusion please remember that I'm not in agreement with all that the Chinese govt. does or has done in the past and that is why I'm here in Canada. I love Canada and I'm proud that I'm a Canadian too.
I missed this one. I don't know whether the pic you showed me is a true pic or a fake one, I'd like to ask you for reference and evidence. however, It's totally a lie, the women showed in your pic are Han Chinese according to her name written in the paper board if the pic is true. It writes "murder: Lu Jing Fong", absolutely a Han Chinese Name.
again, I am not against the Tibetans' right (Who are my sisters and brothers) to choose independence as I am not fond of Everything the Chinese Govt does; but it is not true that all Tibetans desire independence which is being encouraged by the Monk's Class and Extremists and independence movement as supported by western agencies, e.g. CIA. Pls look at what the Tibetan separatists did on 3/14/2008 Compassion? Non-violence? http://www.quant-media.com/collections/PANEL_DESIGN.pdf Yes, you can. A Canadian tourist in Tibet has taken some most famous photos, he told the truth about the riots by separatists on 3/14/2008 http://kadfly.blogspot.com/2008/03/more-from-lhasa.html http://kadfly.blogspot.com/2008_03_01_archive.html dmuja, Do You Know The True Tibet? here is an article for you to read, it's written by an old Tibetan. Eyewitnesses to 100 years of Tibet: History instead of conclusion-Cedain Puncog http://www.quant-media.com/collections/xizang.pdf Good Western or independent sources on Tibet, http://americanmediawatch.tripod.com/id49.htm
dmuja, I strongly suggest that you need to go visit Tibet, China. to see the facts instead of spreading lies/rumors here, for example: The truth is ----- all students in Tibet are taught in both Tibetan and Chinese. all official documents in Tibet are written in both languages too. Tibetans are allowed to study their own language in school. furthermore, ~7 million Han Chinese speak Tibetan.
Let's tell the other side of the story. It's not from the media, not from the government, but the truth from the HISTORY. The history of Tibet begins with the rule of Namri Songzen, who first attempted to unify this land. His son Songtsan Gampo united parts of the Yarlung river valley, and in 640 Common Era, he married Princess Wencheng, the niece of the Han Chinese emperor Taizong. Ever since, marriage and brother- and sisterhood, have bounded the Hans and the Tibetans. In 1290, Tibet appeared on the Chinese map when Kublai Khan established the Yuan Dynasty of a united China. As time goes on, no matter how the country has changed its rulers, how dynasties have altered their names, Tibet has always been on this Map of China. The question came that whether the Chinese invaded Tibet in 1951; the answer is, NO. For the Chinese mainland and Tibet have been unified ever since 1290, which is earlier even than the discovery of the New World in 1498. Tibet had never been a free land before 1959.Its traditionally hierarchical social structure consists of the aristocrats, the monks, and the slaves who were 95% of the population. In that society, peasants were traded as goods; kids were beheaded for worshiping purposes; women were gang raped as a treat to the guests. When in 1949, the Chinese communist Party claimed the victory of the civil war and lunched the policy of "free Tibet, eliminating the serfdom", monks and aristocrats were infuriated since they not only lost their land and wealth, but also the social privileges that they had enjoyed for thousands of years. This partially contributes to the breaking of the riots. The second question: is the Tibetan people really suffering under the existing government's rule? The answer is No. According to Tibet Environmental Watch, an organization related to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the average Tibetans' life expectancy has almost doubled from 35.5 to 67 years old over the past half century. I personally have been to Tibet several times. When I was there talking with local Tibetans, they told me that in spite of the existence of some censorship, the government has improved their infrastructures and the Medicare system dramatically. According to the data , over 200 million US dollars has been invested to build schools, sewage system and public transportation; more than 1.8 billion RMB has been spent on setting up clinics and training medical workers. Apart from medical care, a social security system is also being built up in the region to take better care of the aged and retirees. Were it not this improvement, but suppression and suffering, how could the life expectancy DOUBLED in only 50 years? Far from being exploited, the Tibetans actually enjoy some degree of privileges that the Han Chinese don't, including zero income tax for the Tibetan peasants, no birth control in the Zang region and a lower college admission requirements. Along with the support of Tibetan modernization, the Han Chinese also made a huge effort to preserve the religion. The government has invested substantial amount of capital to rebuild temples and monasteries. To respect the tradition of monk's high social rank, the government also subsides them with Han Chinese's tax. The third question is: are the Han Chinese people committing cultural genocides? The answer is also NO. If the presence of Han Chinese in Tibet was a cultural genocide, then should the presence of African-American, Hispanic, and Caucasian culture be the genocide of the Native American Culture? If the presence of Han Chinese in Tibet was genocide of the Tibetan culture, should the western corporations including McDonald's, KFC and Addidas that are currently opened on the street of Lasha also be called a Tibitan culture invasion? Indeed, this is a trend of culture co-existence under the frame of globalization and information explosion, not a so-called cultural genocide. Now here are our questions for His Holiness, Dalai Lama. We are wondering, why you, the 14th reincarnation of Buddha of compassion, the highest and most respected spiritual leader of Tibetan people, did not free your people from the suffering of serfdom 50 years ago when they were traded as animals? Why you, as the 1989 Nobel peace price winner, refused to condemn the Iraq wars and advocated the protest against the Olympic torch as a tool of gaining political rights?? Extremist! Extremist! We cry to you. Please Don't hate us because our skin color, and different dialects. Please don't hate us because we abolished serfdom system. Please stop the riots and the killing because we are indeed brothers and sisters ever since 1290. Please stop snatching the Olympic torch because sports have nothing to do with politics. America! America! the country that a lots Chinese study and live in and love so much, We also cry to you. Please stop this misunderstanding and bias toward China. Our government is not perfect, but it is the best that we could come up with. While we understand that some degree of censorship is good for such a big country's stability, we are still trying to open the dialogue to be more democratic. Please understand that China has opened its doors only for 28 years, which is merely nothing compared to US's 200-years' struggling for democracy. Chinese government is not perfect, but it's not what the media has portrayed. We would like to invite you to the Olympics, to our land and see with your own eyes, how a modern China really is. To see that we are not living under suppression; we are not living under fear. We are free people on our land, in Tibet, and in Mainland China. We invite you to cheer for the world's greatest athletes with us. Peace Olympic 2008. Peace world 2008.
dmuja, I am from Nanking and feel really hurt by your comments comparing Tibet with the Nanking Massacre which killed around 300,000 innocent people in my home town during WWII. This is the end of the discussion for me. http://discussions.pbs.org/viewtopic.pbs?t=68073&sid=ce0b20590dd445725153c83b5ef21c7f You may want to read this
I am one of the Chinese minority just like the tibetans and I came to Canada several years ago because I'm "not" a Chinese nationalist. I just like my culture and history as you like yours. I am not against the Tibetan's right (Who are my sisters and brothers) to choose independance as I am not fond of Everything the Chinese Govt does; but it is not true that all tibetans desire independance which is being encouraged by the Monk's Class and Extremists and independance movement as supported by western agencies. I was a minority also and we have been able to benefit from improved services, medical, education and freedom from taxes. Minority cultures in China are not limited by the one child family rule due to potential declining of these ethnic populations. Yes some of the gains came with a price under the Chinese political system, but the benefits today may not have existed under the Monk's feudal class system. In conclusion please remember that I'm not in agreement with all that the Chinese govt. does or has done in the past and that is why I'm here. I like Canada and I'm proud That I'm a Canadian Citizen too.
Here are just a several examples to show what the Western Media did: CNN: During the interview with Chinese Ambassador, CTV inserted the video clip of Nepali policemen to "demonstrate" that the Chinese Ambassador was lying. Times
FYI: Articles: Tibet: A Reality Check. Article published in Frontier, a national magazine in India http://www.flonnet.com/fl1718/17180040.htm Article written by MA.Jones, an Australian teacher in a Chinese university who stayed in China for 5 years. http://discussions.pbs.org/viewtopic.pbs?t=68073&sid=ce0b20590dd445725153c83b5ef21c7f NEW ATTITUDES: Old Tibet no Shangri-La http://www.ajc.com/search/content/opinion/stories/2008/04/08/newatted0408.html Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth Yale Professor Dr.Michael Parenti http://www.michaelparenti.org/Tibet.html Article by Melvyn C. Goldstein http://www.foreignaffairs.org/19980101faessay1360/melvyn-c-goldstein/the-dalai-lama-s-dilemma.html http://www.salon.com/news/1998/07/13news.html http://www.cbc.ca/world/story/1999/04/11/pinochet990411.html Tibet, China and the United States: Reflections on the Tibet Question.by Melvyn C. Goldstein, http://omni.cc.purdue.edu/~wtv/tibet/article/art4.html “The Snow Lion and the Dragon, China, Tibet, and the Dalai Lama", by Melvyn Goldstein, http://www.amazon.com/Snow-Lion-Dragon-China-Tibet/dp/0520219511 A Year in Tibet (BBC), http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/page/item/b00936pn.shtml , only available to UK http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tibetan_sovereignty_debate The Secret Truth about The Dalai Lama http://www.newspiritualbible.com/index2.html Tibet, the 'great game' and the CIA http://www.atimes.com/atimes/China/JC26Ad02.html Why They Hate China http://www.antiwar.com/justin/?articleid=12585 Videos Tibet: The Truth, “Study history, not media. The truth is not to be found in the television broadcast.” The documentary (a Youtube clip) made in 1944 during the WWII said very clearly: Tibet was part of China. If so, how can it become questionable today? Free Tibet? Wait, where is Tibet? "Free Tibet" voice from an American youth Dalai "Da-Lie" Lama's Naked Truth Exposed; The CIA in TIBET 1 http://youtube.com/watch?v=tOhDBo6x2ZY The CIA in TIBET 2: http://youtube.com/watch?v=Iwu5qYosTo0 The CIA in TIBET 3: http://youtube.com/watch?v=b2iaIcoHBl4 The CIA in TIBET 4: http://youtube.com/watch?v=zJYamwYSe2M The CIA in TIBET 5: http://youtube.com/watch?v=FviSTNWRgHU The CIA in TIBET 6: http://youtube.com/watch?v=8yMV0-KOY1k Jack Cafferty CNN