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Everything posted by XXX

  1. There is a thread about it in the general section.
  2. I used to be that way. I especially hate(d) - I guess I still do - climbing in the gym or crowded crags because I felt distracted. I learned it benefited me greatly, as a person and a climber, to work on my concentration and focus by not avoiding those situations. Though I dont enjoy being around a lot of people when climbing, I have definately increased my tolerance and improved how it affects my climbing/concentration. I also didnt mean to imply reading was a worthless way to go while learning. For me, and those who may have a similar learning style, reading - then understanding/doing, just doesnt work well. I have to read/do/read/do/do/do/read/do/etc. Im a much better visual and hands on learner. Im also curious how your trip to smith went. whos trip me! j/k. Hows Minnnesotaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Can't say I miss going to grad school there =)
  3. Anyone been up there recently? I have not seen any TR's this year from Adams glacier. Was thinking of heading up in a week or two maybe. T
  4. So is Adams glacier doable the next few weeeks? T
  5. I hate it when people watch me, because it makes me lose concentration
  6. ????? Must have been there on a hazy day?
  7. I was climbing up near Barneys rubble this past Saturday, noticed a bunch of EMS/Fire trucks on the Rock. I think someone fell. Anyone else hear about this accident or have any info? T
  8. hey julia, check your email. I sent you an email about climbing. I have all of August and July off. Lookin for partners. T
  9. Im 27 dood. Got rope rack everything. I need a partner ASAP. GOt weekends free. In fact I am free this coming friday and saturday? drop me a line with your email and we can talk specifics. T
  10. They did summit, and I believe their cave is on the south side. Either way If they are ok they should be trying to get down today on their own power. That is what I would do today if I was in that situation.
  11. Sounds discouraging. At least the shovel is gone.
  12. Instead of building roads into the park they could make a train that goes to Paradise and sunrise. that would be sufficent to meet the publics needs. As far as others roads go. I say lets keep I-90, but all these silly back water roads should be allowed to rot. Lets turn the cascades into one great nature preserve. Why should we allow people to live near mt rainier anyways? its all going to be destroyed one day, and why should the goverment keep subsidizing people to live in hazard areas!
  13. I dont think they should rebuild any roads, just let the mtn return to its natural state of being. If climbers wanna climb it, make them work for it =)
  14. I agree, I have been going to the coleman for over 6 years, and I Was there about 3 weeks ago, and I noticed that there was not as many large crevasses to climb as usual! darn. sucks T
  15. SEe story below, some hikers found human remains. Better start packing my friends. http://www.komotv.com/stories/46036.htm
  16. What is the best way to do an alpine rock climb like the tooth or similar rock climbings with 3 people? Any advice is appreciated thanks T
  17. come on some of you people must be jobless like me? lol
  18. Hello there Got the next 3 weeks off. Looking to get some climbing in. I lead sport up to 10a on a good day. And I lead trad up to 5.8 on a good day. Basically I am just an average climber looking to do some easy mellow climbs. I got a car and rope etc. In my mid 20s. Might even be interested in a road trip somewhere. Got the next 3 weeks off. Drop me a pm for more info.
  19. Jesus is King of kings! Lord of lords!
  20. do you need someone to drive with you down there as well? I may be interested. Pm me with climbing level etc.
  21. Nice job Gary! love the pics they look good.
  22. Seems a bit intense for your first multi pitch route doesnt it? I'm sorry to hear about this terrible accident
  23. Only something as silly as this would happen in Minnesota. Otherwise sweet deal with the gear!
  24. Alright, sneaking this MN shit-talk into the picture is TOTALLY uncalled for and innappropriate. And dont think this is the only time I have seen it happen recently! Shame on all of you...you....you pompous creeps! Gophers rule!
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