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Posts posted by knotzen

  1. Who says people who climb, or do x, y, or z, can't goof off, kill time at work, discuss politics, and have a good time?


    Sheesh. Some people need to l-i-g-h-t-e-n UP!


    Thank the gods y'all aren't all like him. :nurd:


  2. Happy first Pagetop! :) sickie


    Now, get started on my dinner.


    I just got back from the grocery store with pesto, fettacini, cashews, and I thought that I would grill a bit of chicken with garlic and lemon juice. I think a butter lettuce and cherry tomato salad, with strawberries and almond slices and a light vinegrette will taste fine with it. I have a bottle of chardonnay on ice and a bottle of Captain Morgans in case I feel like howling later on. :crosseye:


    :moondance: 8D
  3. What the hell happened? CC.com looks all different today!


    It looks nice, but I need a magnifying glass to read the type

    Yes. It's way small. Very hard to read.


    Can we increase the font size a couple of points?

  4. The Mountaineers climbing program centers on teaching. Most people who climb with the Mounties take the courses, then teach and lead climbs to support the courses. Those who don't teach and lead after graduating typically don't continue to climb with the club, i.e., on official club climbs.


    However, graduates of the courses, whether they continue to help run the program/classes or not, often meet people to climb with--fellow students, climb leaders, mentors. "Unofficial Mountaineers climbs"--climbs in which all the participants are members but the climb isn't registered as a club climb, and so it's actually a private climb--are common.


    But my sense, being a member since the early 90s, when I joined to take the Basic Climbing Course and work on the fire lookouts, is that very few climbers stay active *in* the club if they choose not to, or tire from, teaching and leading. There's been a couple of generations of climbers and leaders since I took the course, and the only ones that I know of that go on club climbs are the few who still teach and lead climbs to support the courses.


    It's also hard to get equivalency status (permission to participate in club climbs without going through the courses)--another reason that non-course-related climbing is not a big activity in the club.


    The club has been looking at keeping and building membership the last few years--maybe they should consider this.


  5. It's fun to watch larger dogs come up behind them and sniff their ass. It lifts them right off the ground. They seem so irritated by that. :laf:

    My black lab peed on a little terrier once. :lmao:

  6. Yes, I have asked all these questions of the insurance people. I get two different answers from two different people whenever I get the answer "I am not the person who covers that area".



    Ask them to send you a copy of your complete insurance policy. Surely it is spelled out somewhere. I like to go to the source whenever possible.

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