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About Pred

  • Birthday 11/23/1966


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Gumby (1/14)



  1. I have a pair of prescription glasses with sun clips found on the top of Prime rib route on August 19 th . Contact me via PM if you are missing them .
  2. Pretty much follows rap route and it's mostly 4th to low 5th class.It's about 4 pitches long and more or less standard pro(small to mid size) We climbed it as a party of 3 as one long simulclimb (all the way to the notch).Good thing is that you check the raps on the way up...Have fun
  3. 3rd and 4th class exposed most of the way .Biggest problem was loosness of it.We moved together in two smaller teams and tried to climb diagonally to the slope...It got cloudy and a bit slippery at the top of false summit pitch and we moved left into low 5th class terrain with some pro and pitched it(cow tailed 2 at the time-maybe 75 feet...) Hey Lisa, we are getting together in Boundary at 7 for some "carbo-loading" come to play...
  4. There is a lot of snow in the "Chasm of Death" In general,snow was a bit tricky,soft on the top and hard bellow.We found crampons with anti-balling plates quite handy(using them as they are not there) pics;1,2 getting on Easy Ridge 3,4 Whatcom and Challenger 5 starting ridge traverse on whatcom 6 impasse (I guess not-it did help to figure it out in reverse ;thanks to you guys for prvious posts on the route) 7 Shuksan,Baker (don't know why it's fuzzy) 8 arete to summit 9 even rocks are soft enough after climb like this OK not most elegant way of adding text but it works...
  5. OK ,OK ,so there is a long way for me to go, to learn the ways of "magic machines"....So how do I add text to those pics? Is it just add pic,write the text below, etc? Thanks for the guidance! Pred
  6. I'm trying to figure out how to do it (I don't have a web site)and this part (posting etc. is new experience) Beta anyone?
  7. Trip: North Cascades - Mt Chalenger/Whatcom Peak via Easy Ridge Date: 7/7/2007 Trip Report: Group of 6 climbed it in 4 days (+ 4 hours to Hanneagn Pass night before).Had awesome weather and worked our butts off. Camped at Easy Ridge and did 2 day climbs: Whatcom peak as a ridge traverse(3rd to 4th class)and pitched 50 ft section before false summit when rock got wet. We figured "imperfect impasse" on the way back,fixed a rope over it and used it next day on the way to Challenger. Bergshrund at the top had one last bridge standing and giving a hot weather can't say how long it's going to be there. Great trip with even better company.Haven't seen any people once we crossed Chilliwack river but have seen tracks on final summit portion. Gear Notes: Light racks(small nuts, bottom4 Camp tri-cams,couple cams pickets,two 9mm ropes Approach Notes: Long,some steep snow sections
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