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  1. Well maybe I put it little bit wrong... Ajungilak is mostly known from their synthetic bags which are the very top of the line. As it seems they now also have those new down bags (altitude series) replacing the old "not so modern" ones. Altitude bags seem to be very promising. I haven't seen those but if they are same quality as other ajungilak bags they'll fit straight into the "top of the line" category. So I would say ajungilak is like WM... or something like that Never heard about valandre:) Take a look at PHD if you wan't something like ff or better. phd custom made phd homepage
  2. I have ajungilak tyin arctic and it is exellent sleeping bag. Very high quality and warm enough in its temperature range. I think the ajungilak bags temperature limits are measured with the european EN13537 standard which is very conservative compared to comfort temperatures given by us manufacturers. I actually couldn't find information about ajungilak's measuring system from their website, but they used to give temperatures in EN13537. For example the north face snowshoe has US comfort temp at -18C and EU comfort temp at -6C so the difference is quite big. Remember also that fillpower in Europe isn't the same as fillpower in US. European manufacturers (atleast some of them) use internationally accepted down testing methods and US manufacturers have their own methods. FP 750 in europe is about 850 in us. Ajungilak is regarded to be very high quality and very well known sleeping bag maker in Europe altough they don't make the very top of the line bags. However their bags are very robust and last for ages.
  3. I haven’t use alcohol stove at high elevation but i have lot of experience using it in cold temperatures. Alcohol stove is most common stove around here and temperatures around –20F are usual. Once I used alcohol stove in two week trip and it was –50F for the first week. Stove (trangia) works just fine as long as you remember to put heating candle under the burner. Otherwise it is useless.
  4. If you want real gps/gsm combo, take a look at nokia 5140 with gps covers. Covers work as gps antenna and they don't need cel service. Another option is benefon esc! (or other benefon gps/gsm models) which is really a fully featured gps equipped with phone. Motorola i530 uses agps system which needs cel network to work. There may be network present although your phone shows no service. Nokia: http://www.nokia.com/nokia/0,,53751,00.html Benefon: http://benefon.com/products/esc/
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