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Posts posted by triggerhappy

  1. It annoys me that I still haven't managed to get out to the Bugaboos, so this summer I want to make it happen. I've got plenty of time off, so scheduling is flexible, but I'd want to be there for at least a week, get a few good climbs in, weather depending of course. I lead 5.10 alpine, so all the classics are on the table, maybe even Beckey-Chouinard if you want to have some real fun. Shoot me a pm if you've got the itch too, or even just want to do something in the area.

  2. I said screw the whole work thing, decided to take off in the van this summer and go climbing. I'm in portland right now, probably will be for a week or so, then north to washington for a week or two more. After that, who knows. Squamish, the bugaboos, the tetons, the sierra later in the fall, they're all possibilities. I'm mostly interested in alpine rock and bigger trips, but looking forward to some laps out at beacon and index too. Basically anyone who has some time and wants to climb should give me shout.


    Also a skier, I already did lassen and shasta on the way north, was thinking about trying to do as many of the volcanoes as possible. Certainly Hood and Adams are on the hitlist in the near future. Anyone have a recommendation for a good ski route on hood? I've done the south side, would rather ski something else, not sure how the north side routes are for that. For Adams, is the road open to the trailhead, or at least close enough?

  3. I'm spending the summer up here at Holden, working on knocking off all the peaks in the area. I don't mind just soloing most, but am looking for someone to do Bonaza with. I've got the fitness, experience, and gear, just nobody here to go with. So if there's someone out there who wants to hit it, or a pair that wouldn't mind a third, shoot me a PM. I'd also be interested in Glacier.



  4. Four of us from the UW were out there the next day and saw your tracks. The inversion made for some great weather up top, it was warmer camping overnight than at the car in the afternoon. I had considered bringing skis but snowshoes were definitely the right call given the unpredictable snow conditions.

  5. I'm heading down to portland next week 1/4-1/10 and am looking for a partner to get out. Mainly looking to go ski on hood, in bounds or not, could also be persuaded to do helens or others if the avy danger comes down a bit. If the weather is moderately decent someday, I'd be up to hit beacon rock, otherwise it'll just be one of the gyms in town. At least portland has decent gyms, compare PRG or the Circuit to anything in seattle.

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