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Posts posted by Dirtyleaf

  1. I have the entire month of August off from work. In september I will be selling my soul to Wenatchee college for the next three years. This is my month to send. Looking for people to swap leads with or not. I like to hike fast and enjoy a lightweight minimalist approach. Big days car to car are preferred but I'll do overnighters as well. Here is my list:


    Prusik: Lady Godiva/Solid Gold

    Juno Tower: Clean Break

    SEWS: The Hitchiker/The Passenger

    Adventure climbing past Salmon La Sac

    Obscure routes up Ingalls Creek

    Liberty Bell: Freedom Rider

    Burgundy Spire: Action Potential/Ultramega O.K./

    Goose Egg: Many

    I like hiking long distances with packs and have a perverse enjoyment for bushwacking.


    I am not allowed into Canada. Now you know.

    I am open to other suggestions, ideas, and states to climb in.

    I would also be into some aid routes as well.

    Send me a p.m., an email, a text, or a message. (206) 795-8219

    Looking forward to this next month. Cheers. Geoff

  2. Sure have, try the Feathered Friends Vireo. Slim fit, No zippers or hood. It weighs 1lb. 20 degree to your waist, 45 to your neck. I've used it on the Appalachian trail and many trips in the mountains. Packs down to the size of small loaf of bread. It's $250 but well worth the money if you want a reliable and ligthweight bag/parka system.

  3. I don't even know what the word "embarrass" means. I'm proud of who I am. Thanks for the kind words and helping me to "step outside the box" and to show the world "who i really am" and to "look at the bigger picture." It sounds like your going for a fatherly/grandfatherly role. It's cute. It's also not working. I'm too wily for your jedi impersonation. :battlecage:

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