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Posts posted by empire

  1. Ok Nitrox, I apologize for construing this as a reflection on you personally as an American. (That is, unless you tolerate anyone who advocates political assassination, no matter how nuanced.)


    Your little leftist/communist story is unsurprising. I haven't heard that kind of denialist spin yet, though I haven't been tuning into Fox either. It is possible, as you maintain, that this murderer was never exposed to or influenced by the recent propaganda campaign insinuating the killing of politicians, despite the best efforts of the powerful and well-funded political and media groups that produced them. I think this is unlikely, but you are welcome to your opinion. Regardless, what happened today underlines the immense moral and ethical hazard of advocating violence as a campaign strategy.


    May there be a God to protect her and reward her for her service, since nobody else could. Let us pray that this does not happen again--if you're the passive type. Otherwise, let's honor her by peacefully but vigorously opposing any and all political figures, ideologies, and media organizations that encourage this kind of tragedy. It's for real now.

  2. These days if an 'evil' government wanted to 'take over' our society they'd shutdown Ore-Ida / McDonalds, commandeer the Internet / cell networks, and nationalize the food and gas distribution networks. Your guns? You might as well be throwing rocks.
    Not to mention our new highly trained and psychologically tempered public and private urban peacekeeping force. Break yourself Haji!

    ps. we're hiring.


    All we need to do is to keep pretending that both we, the banks, and the banks' banks can all own the same money at the same time, like we always have been.


    It's just like Schrodinger's Cat. (Except that some people get to open the box sometimes and take out some of the money, and these are the relatively small number of rich Ponzi fellows toward the top of the scheme that went through all the trouble to promise you that you will always get an X% return, as long as everyone keeps putting money in the box.)


    Not all economies grow eternally. Not everything increases in value over time. A dollar today CAN equal less than a dollar tomorrow. (Dismissed--you may now jump.)

  3. Alright, the Commander in Chief already wastes enough time trying to make the spoiled whimpering masses feel good about themselves. What did you want him to say, that we'll bring Democracy to them? Yes, perhaps honesty may have been more appropriate. I'm sure it'll make a fine pit stop on our way to delivering it to the Orinoco.

  4. voting machines that will deliver the votes to your side and then refusing to address complaints about how it looks as if they did exactly that, or interfering with access to the polls in the other party's stronghold districts? That justifies accepting the word of the voting machine company who says they can't make a machine that produces a paper receipt when they make bank machines that do that flawlessly and which - by the way - are much more "hackproof?"

    I don't know whether fair elections would favor which party, but are you arguing that we shouldn't try?

    All these problems will disappear as soon as you commies stop hobbling the inevitable privatization of the electoral/political process and allow the eventual transfer of power to corporate fiefdoms whose constituents will simply be able to vote with their dollars that they earn from their masters, as they have already been trained to do. There, are we back on topic now?

  5. The root of this belief, in my opinion, lies in a puritanical belief in the immorality of sex. Forcing women to have unwanted children is a State imposed punishment for getting knocked up accidentally, for 'being irresponsible'; a concept which people with certain religious beliefs seem to revel in.

    As opposed to the rarely-mentioned radical liberaldarwinists, who believe not only that the stupid should be allowed to remove their own genes from the pool, but that the media sexploitation that feeds the phenomenon is crucial for a vibrant consumer economy. Why don't e'rone just calm down, kick back and have a Mike's RU-486-pack on them?


    Where is the gratitude here? Here we are working for The American People, making your way of life the easiest on Earth, crushing anyone who threatens you, trying desperately to prevent some Mexican from takin' yer job, and hell, we're even securing an oil supply to keep the machine running for at least the next century. You ingrates are like children who start crying when you find out where the hamburger comes from. I suggest you just hush up and enjoy it son, and leave the dirty work to us. Daddy's got to make a living to support ya.

  6. The true attack on America is by the treasonous liberals who want to take away your right to possess the lethal force necessary to defend yourself from evil. Liberty, Justice, and the freedom to speak with a concealed 15-round semi-automatic for all. (Well, okay, maybe not for crazy immigrants.)

  7. Gun owners own their handguns because they know that someday they're going to have to shoot someone. To be fair, it'll probably kill them.


    You're just going to have to trust your fellow American to know who they are supposed to kill.

  8. All 18-year-olds will now be required to pass the WASHL, as part of our new No Child Left Unarmed Bill. It's passing will show that we are serious about classroom security. As a fortunate side effect, this will also prepare our young for their impending tours of duty.

  9. Ok, I admit it. He was one of ours. Now watch while the nation arms itself.

    Playing right into our hands.

    The fact that the Righteous Wing is admitting this doesn't even matter. Now they will hear nothing over the sound of their own gunfire.


    I leave you with a passage from one of your favorite prophets.


    People are so afraid. Take the man, with no address, who wrote [me]:


    "If you knew that a man posed a danger to you - maybe he had a gun in his pocket, and you felt that he would not hesitate one moment to use it on you - what would you do? ... Should we sit back, be little children that sit in fear and just wait?"


    I wrote back:


    "Please, for the sake of us all, get a shotgun, preferably a 12-gauge double-barrel, and right there in your own neighborhood blow off the heads of people, cops excepted, who may be armed."


    -Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without a Country






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