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Everything posted by aLx_JustcliMbing

  1. This harness will be only used for glaciure so i am looking for minimal. I don't want some bulky thing in my pack as i do the approach. Just pisses me off. I have another harness for rock climbing.
  2. Nope because the leg loop is connected to the waist loop with a biener. Can't get your pants down unless you take off the harness which i usually opt not to do on a glacier. Besides that takes way too long.
  3. Looking for a non-bulky, light weight, harness for glaciure use only. I was SOOOOOO close to buying the Black Diamond Alpine Bod even though it is 13.5 compaired to new misty mountain that weights in at 11 and some change, until i found out that they dont have a quick release leg loop hold up system!!! What the hell were they thinking when they designed this harness?!?!?! The misty mountain new alpine harness is too bulky so does anyone have a suggestion?
  4. Hi, If anyone requires an assistant at the Outdoor Retail Convention, I am available. I want to get in and I cannot with out a press pass or gear shop. I will pay all travel expenses. If anyone has any ideas please PM me. Thanks
  5. does anyone have an example of a climbing resume they want to share?
  6. Second Ascent is my favorite. Wouldn't mind working there.
  7. While you do make a strong and enticing offer, I think the climbing life is more my style right now. I think I am alright with talking a serious pay cut and just climbing for a while. I can't quite handle an office right now. But I seriously appreciate the offer to help. Now if any of those people in your office have climbing/guiding/or retail connections, I would be interested.
  8. while completely irrelevant and unimportant to my original post, I must ask you this…..have you yet to find a serious climbing girl who isn’t hot? Now on to more important topics…..
  9. Depends on when you use it. I could see the practicality if you were climbing a crack and jaming your fist into the wall. May be useful to have the watch clipped to your harness. I can also see the usefulness when mountain climbing. As long as you could secure it to the strap of your pack might be nice to have it hanging there rather then having to peal off your gloves and pull back your sleeves just to see your altitude etc. I am curious to hear others opinions.
  10. Hi, Passionate rock climber, mountain climber, skier, and soon to be ice climber looking for suggestions, leads, insite, connections etc. on how to get into mountaineering and gear industry. I'm a girl who is tired of working in the computer world and ready to be surrounded by people who love to do what I enjoy. Any insite is appreciated.
  11. he can read your mind... awkward....i feel sorry for the person who has to read my mind.
  12. Post deleted by aLx_JustcliMbing
  13. are you referring to the beer and nuts?
  14. Climbing is my passion. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. It is what i do. i have been climbing all summer. i climb twice a week in the gym to work on technique and try to go out as many weekends as possible. The whole 5.12 thing is just my way of raising the bar and trying to push my limits. i want to climb 5.12 because i want my options to open up....i don't want to be limited in what and where i climb. i don't want to rely on someone else to haul my ass up the rock. So, quit my job....i am working on it. dating, especially this summer....not so much. i have no time for boys. i am only out climbing. so that is why i ask. i just want to get better because i want to get better. oh ya....there is always room for and nuts after a long day of climbing. thanks for the suggestions.......
  15. i don't want to go from 5.10 sport to 5.12 trad in half a year...my goals may be out there but i am not THAT unrealistic. My goals for trad are much different then my goals for sport climbing.....i have a lot more to learn about trad. i want to go from 5.10 sport to 5.12 sport and that does not necessarily mean leading. at this point i do climb as much as i possibly can. i need my fingers to be stronger etc.
  16. So my goal for next summer is to climb 5.12 solid. At this point, 5.12 top rope would make me happy. I have a lot to learn in regards to trad lead. I currently sport lead confortably on 5.9 and TR 5.10 - 5.10 a/b on a good day. I feel like I have come to a stand still in reaching my goal. Any suggestions, recommendations on how to help move towards this goal? (other then climb a lot which is what i do anyway ;-))
  17. i find nothing more attractive then a man who wants to climb devil's toothpick. you must often climb with two good looking ladies who, by the way are amazing climbers. i can just tell based on your interest in this climb...
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