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About patrickmcc

  • Birthday 03/17/1962


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Gumby (1/14)



  1. Has anyone been up there recently? I hear there is a 7 mile hike to the trailhead (road washed out), and that should keep the crowds down a bit this weekend, sounds like the perfect time to hit it! I'm curious about the snow conditions, where we'll hit snow on the road, if snowshoes might be needed, etc. Any info would be much appreciated! Thanks
  2. I'll take the ropes & rope bag if you still have them
  3. Heres a shot of the Coleman Headwall from a few days ago, I'll get around to posting the TR soon. My partner Kris was the one in the red...
  4. You just need to pick your routes more carefully. My partner and I had the Coleman Headwall all to ourselves that day!
  5. Thanks for the help. Sounds pretty good...
  6. Going to Baker in a week or so, anyone have any current info on approach/ route conditions? Should I bring my snowshoes? Thanks, _Patrick
  7. Anyone been on Ptarmigan lately? I've heard conditions described as "firm" (ie, hard ice)
  8. that's kind of what I figured. Anyone thinking of doing the route that weekend & want to hook up for the shuttle?
  9. My partner & I are planning on taking a shot at Ptarmigan Ridge the weekend of 6/24, and decending the Emmons. Can anyone tell me how long a hike it is from White River to the start of the climb? Looks like quite a haul. What other options are there? Any info would be appreciated, Patrick
  10. I'm looking for a parter to climb the Kautz sometime before summer is over! Between late July and early Sept. Mid week is really the only time I can get free. I'd like to do a two day accent, with a third (or fourth?)if the weather does not cooperate. I've never been on a glacier before but have done some winter climbing in New Hampshire & ice climbs in Canada & had an in depth "class" from a buddy who guides for RMI Anyone?
  11. I had planned to climb the Kautz in late July but my partner can't get the time off work. The Emmons may work. I've never been on Rainier but I have the basics down & am in good shape. Would love a chance to join your team Patrick
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