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Everything posted by Chitownclimber

  1. Hey, I just reterned and what little bouldering there is is pretty mossy and bad, however, a short 7 hour car ride got me 3 days at smith rock
  2. There aren't even a few stray boulders around the park? Im going to be backpacking in there for a few weeks, and there are few mountainous places where ive gone backpacking that lack boulders.
  3. Why Crampon proof? I don't see myself bouldering with crampons in theb immediate future.
  4. 11. Beware the sleeping bag gremlins; they live in your bag and steal your underwear.
  5. I am going to the cascades for a three week backpacking trip in cascades antional park. I am an avid boulderer and I'm wondering whether it would be worth my while to bring my pad, shoes, etc. anyone have any insights?
  6. I am going to the cascades for a three week backpacking trip in cascades antional park. I am an avid boyulderer and I'm wondering whether it would be worth my while to bring my pad, shoes, etc. anyone have any insights?
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