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Everything posted by Wes_Ft_Collins_CO

  1. Has anyone been up in this area recently? Was wondering if anyone knew how the late season conditions may be affecting the climbing conditions/glacier. Thanks,
  2. Thanks! With the conditions, would there be any worthwhile route up Buckner from the Boston Peak / Sahale Col? Ripsaw ridge??? Is it possible to access the SW ridge route from there? Besides Forbidden Peak and Sharkfin tower, are there other recommended climbs in the area given this year's conditions?
  3. Looking to head into the Cascade pass area soon. Does anyone have any idea what conditions on the north face of Mt Buckner would be like? Considering I'm reading reports of September-like conditions on other nearby peaks, I'm assuming it's alpine ice with a large yawning bergschrund that may or may not be passable. thanks,
  4. I am looking for snow conditions and route reports for the standard routes on Mt Baker: Coleman-Demming and Easton Glacier? Where does the snow start? How is the snow quality for skiing? Are many crevases present yet? Thanks, Wes
  5. I am looking for any information on the current snow conditions on the Anniversary glacier for the Northeast spur route on Mt Matier and south-east ridge of Joffre peak. Is there good snow to ski to the col? Any information is helpful Thanks, Wes
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