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Everything posted by BadDog

  1. I have to rate Araceli the hotter babe. eom.
  2. Grab a stopwatch. Mark the time you spend per day on this thread in a fat-ass chair belay. Multiply the time spent here dissing Annabelle by the diagonal measurement of your monitor. Divide by your sperm count. Multiply the resultant by the number of times you acutally left the house over the last two months while Annabelle climbed Everest. Go to a fast food restaurant and order that many cheeseburgers. Eat 'em up. Now call yourself a "Cascade Climber."
  3. "She saw an opportunity to get pseudo-famous and score a free trip and a bunch of marketability and she took it." I have reason to believe this is true.
  4. Griz, define "capable." She made it up E. I don't think she is experienced or a technical prodigy. She is a naturally tough endurance athlete. I am not speculating on this. She already said she relies heavily on the Sherpas--few on E do not. I really do not know if this climb was self supported or not. Her family is in the banking industry. Strings may have been pulled but I think she mainly set the stage herself. I await further news about how she really "performed" up there.
  5. Bottom line is realtor/endurance athlete AB took a shine to this sport and figgered it all out right quick. While y'all are worrying about whether she posed for photos or not, or whether her tools were scratched or not, or whether she was crunchy enough to be a REAL climber, she done went to the top of the world.
  6. I believe AB pointed out that she felt, from her perspective, Everest is unclimable without the help of the sherpas. I think she knew full well what she needed in terms of "blue collar" help and climbing mates. I'm looking forward to the details of how she really did up there. She admits to some awesome fears. She confronted them. It's a game to find the $ to get up Everest and she played it better than anyone here. And there was a definite risk. Ask one of the popsicles up there if it was easy or a "circus." It's a tough venture and AB pulled it off.
  7. Some funny stuff here but a lot of pettiness. You folks have been awfully <i>hard on</i> Annabelle. But while y'all sit in the chat room talking about it, she's out doing it. She went out, got the money, trained and climbed Everest. I think she deserves a little credit and a lot of apologies.
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