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Posts posted by selkirk

  1. Thank you for all the input!!!!  its a big help.

    Been obsessively surfing gear options and finding ways to lighten my pack.  So many fun options!  Think I'm settling on, already have a good 4 lb 2x person tent(a little overkill maybe but no need to upgrade), definitely sounds like aluminum is the way to go, down 30 deg bag, with a puffy etc etc.  

    Thats a great article on footwear.  I was leaning towardsTrangos but sounds like no reason not to go lighter.  To be honest havent worn the heavier boots since Rainier and that was years ago, just overkill 90%of the time.  No just need to stay in shape!

  2. Hoping to make a go at the Ptarmigan next summer  :moondance:And was interested in folks  thoughts on gear?  Thinking 5 or 6 days likely mid july, likely with at least a summit or two a!ong the way.  Its a few pounds swing depending on decisions, but im totally paranoid about being underprepared, and also lazy about carrying extra weight!

    Crampons aluminum or steel?  Dropping weight sounds great but only if the aluminums will hold up.

    Slerping bag, synthetic or the new fancy waterproof-ish down? (do the coatings practically help?)  A light down bag sounds great, but extended use makes me nervous when there arent any easy exit points

    Boots, light synthetics (La Sportiva Trangos or similar) or something more insulated?  Will the lighter ones be warm enough, thinking yes but im paranoid!

    Water access?  TR show mostly camping near small lakes, so im thinking water filter as opposed to needing to melt snow.

    Tent, free standing or is it possible to reliably stake out a tent at most of the sites?



  3. anothet idea but there are a few moderate climbs out in the British Isles at Exit 32.  5.5, 5.6, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, which i think you can walk to the top of and settup a tr.  they're trad lines so dont get the attention the sport lines do?  pretty short and in the shade as well.  was thinking about taking my girls there for their first trip outdoors.  Keep the ideas coming as i defintely want to get the little ones out this summer. 

  4. Cant get out during the week, but am looking to get out to Exit 32, 38 or Index this weekend, weather permitting.  8s to 10s is perfect, as is a mix of sport and trad. If weekend works let me know.



  5. Have a couple free weekends and looking to get outdoors on some real rock. Haven't gotten out much lately but should be good to lead 5.8/5.9 trad and mid 5.10s sport. Happy to belay harder or do the leading. Have a full rack and rope. Even up for aiding city park. Have a dog at home, so either she would need to come, or would need to stay within a reasonable day of Seattle.

    Contact me on the thread or by pm here.



  6. Does anyone know about a possible rescue on Mt Stuart yesterday? We were up on Ingalls and saw a helicopter hovering really low over what looked like the Cascadia couloir.

    Hoping everyone is ok, and it was either training or nothing too serious.

  7. Anyone up for Index on sunday? I'm looking for some 5.8 and 5.9 mileage to knock the rust off. Have to belay harder or easier too.


    Message me if interested. I'll be out tomorrow, but back in the evening so arranging may be last minute.

  8. Looking to do some local cragging this weekend. Exit 32 or 38, Index, Anacortes. East side looks too damn hot. Haven't climbed too much lately but I'm probably up to lead up to 5.7 or 5.8 gear (maybe harder with some warp up), and 5.9 to low 10's Sport. I can belay 5.hard and am happy to follow. Happy to ropegun / teach some gear or follow. Hell, I'd be open to single pitch aiding in Index for that matter.



    Needs to either be close enough to seattle I can get back to let the dog out, or mellow enough to be dog friendly. I know that's a narow band but I'm desperate to get out! First free weekend in far too long!


    Have a full rack and rope.


    Also looking to get out next weekend with more flexibility and without the pup. Easy alpine would be great as well.




  9. I'd love to teach, and taught courses all the way through UW, with another course at Seattle U. To some degree I teach now, only to more junior engineers.


    If teaching salary at any level (BS, MS, PhD) were even close to competitive with private industry I'd be doing it in heartbeat.


    Compensation levels are high enough to keep people with a true calling to it and thank you to everyone doing it! But they are not high enough to attract people who are on the fence about going into other well respected, well compensated fields.


    Otherwise I'd be teaching right now, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.



  10. So what's everyone drinking?

    Currently working on a bottle of Woodinville Bourbon that is pretty good, and got a bottle of Yamazaki single malt for my birfday :moondance: Quite tasty and my first Japanese whiskey :)


    And finally a bottle of Strathisla single malt scotch, which is really quite yummy.


    That should keep me busy for a while.

  11. Was coming down from the old Si trail and lots of emergency vehicles were clustered at the parking lot around lunch time. Asked one of the firemen and he confirmed a climbing accident. I hoping everyone is all right and sending good vibes to all involved.

  12. Interesting timing on this. Going through exactly the same thing now. Not quite sure how to couch everything though. I've been climbing exactly 1x in the last 2 years, but before that did mostly moderate stuff (trade route glacier climbs, moderate cragging, and multipitch etc.). No current plans for future endeavors other than, I'd sure be nice to go again :P

  13. Had a high school Calc teacher who did this 20 years ago. Learned some calculus, but more importantly learned how to teach myself Calc. Worked great for me, but that accounts for my learning style. My wife on the other hand needs to hear it/read it/see it for it to sink in. Lectures were almost always lost on me, as my attention span significantly wained after 20 minutes.


    As a side note, my father has spent years in education (elementary school, middle school, high school, football coach etc, up through superintendent), and he's of the impression that parents and upbringing account for ~80% of childs learning and success, and school only affects the last 20%.



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