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Posts posted by Camilo

  1. I've got an addition for you Bill: Christians don't support the death penalty. I was raised Catholic and never learned anything about capital punishment being right. As far as the war, people definitely spin it in their own way. Some say it's a just war (even though the Pope didn't) so I think this is point of view issue. As far as calling themselves "pro-life" and supporting the death penalty though, that's pretty much as big a contradiction as I can imagine.


    edit: And nolanr, billcoe didn't write this, Bill Simpkins did.

  2. I wonder if anybody who opposes the fluoridation because it's bad for fish is on the pill.

    Birth-control pills can curb the reproduction of more than just the women taking them. Western Washington scientists have found that synthetic estrogen -- a common ingredient in oral contraceptives -- can drastically reduce the fertility of male rainbow trout.
  3. conservatives are just plain fucked in the head...excuse my french...


    The ones who are fucked in the head are the twisted fucks that mentally rape children by taking away their innocence, force-feeding homosexuality down their throats with cartoon characters.


    You might as well just hand everyone's kid over to Michael Jackson for a sleepover!

    Lame to say all conservatives are screwed up, but KaskadskyjKozak are you just being sarcastic? I might have said this before but I didn't learn what fisting, mud wallowing, and watersports were until I read the Oregon Citizens' Alliance entry in the measure 9 voter's manual in 6th grade. I don't think that was "the Gays" shoving their homosexuality down my throat.

  4. I couldn't believe it when I read it. . . I think he admitted some mistakes. Maybe this is a sign of good things to come.


    "'Bring it on,' was a little blunt," the president said in a transcript of the interview released on Thursday.

    "I remember when I talked about Osama bin Laden, I said we're going to get him dead or alive. I guess it's not the most diplomatic of language," Bush said.

    "So I do have to be cautious about, you know, conveying thoughts in a way maybe that doesn't send wrong impressions about our country," he said.

    "Our public diplomacy efforts aren't ... very robust, and aren't very good, compared to the public diplomacy efforts of those who would like to spread hatred and ... and vilify the United States," Bush said.
  5. Endurance. Alfred Lansing.


    Will put things into perspective about what is and isn't an epic.


    Has anyone visited Sir Ernest's grave? Or touched the James Caird in London?

    Nope, but I saw a sweet documentary on this a couple of years ago. I think it's also called "Endurance". Definitely the most amazing survival story I've ever heard.

  6. Thanks for the suggestions. I checked the forecast and:




    Considerable avalanche danger above 6000 feet and moderate below.

    Gradually increasing danger Friday afternoon becoming considerable

    above 5000 feet and moderate below. Danger remaining considerable

    above 5000 feet for Saturday, slowly decreasing Saturday night.

    I'm guessing Flapjack lakes also has a lot of avy terrain. Since I've never been to any of these places before, and visibility might not be so good, how safe would it be for me to be to be wandering around out there. Should I go to the beach instead, or is there easy routefinding at any of these two places?

  7. Hi, sorry for the repost from the last camping thread. I'm headed up there this weekend for some camping with a friend. Neither of us are mountaineers so I'm just looking for a cool place to snowshoe in, camp, and snowshoe out. Since it looks like it's going to be snowy this weekend, there probably won't be much for views. The ocean would also be cool. I haven't been up in that area for years, what suggestions do you have for a short 2 day trip? Thanks in advance.

  8. RE: Q#1, If you trust the jammed knot not to slip through your anchor, it seems like it would be OK. However, having the 6mm through your device insures that it will stay close to you (i.e., you will be able to reach it), when you get to the end of the rappel. The only reason I can think of to not have the 6mm line through your device is to avoid tangling.



    I've heard that it's awful tough to manage a rappel of two different ropes (one dynamic one static) with a high% difference in diameters. A way around needing to manage both of them is what I was getting at.

    This is right out of my butt, but just a thought: If you're worried about managing two different ropes in your rap device, and want to keep the 6mm line close you you, can't you just run it through a carabiner on your harness out of the way?

  9. I took an avy class with my shiny new Pieps DSP, and it rocked. The scan function works great, and it was cool when we'd all switch to receive mode and I could see how many people still had theirs on in send. It was great pinpoint searching, it had about 10m more range than the Trackers most people were using, and the scan mode was great. The flag mode wasn't perfect, sometimes requiring a couple of button presses to flag the "found" beacon and continue the search for the next one, but was still quicker and easier than any other multiple beacon search. NOLSe, PM me if you want to check mine out. You can borrow it this week and rent another one for $6 at OMC and hide it around your house or yard.

  10. I was in O.C. this August. Everyone drank bottled water. The going price as $2.75 for a 20 oz bottle. wazzup.gifpitty.gif

    I was in L.A. for 4 years of college. I never once drank out of a bottle. Tap water tastes like a swimming pool but it was free and I never got any weird illnesses from it. Where do you live, ChrisT? I can't tell the difference between bottled and tap (PDX) water.

  11. He says there's a high fashion store there that sells sweatshirts that say "Motherfucking Mountaineer" on them. I may be a metrosexual, but $300 is WAY too much to pay for a sweatshirt. They also make boots that say the same thing. He took a picture for me but the salesguy got mad at him and made him delete it.

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