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Everything posted by Dougie

  1. Monday is my only day off this week and i was hopeing to make it up to the drytooling park at exit 38. if this sounds like fun, give me a pm. i get off work at midnight tonight so it would be kinda a late start(10am). plus this would my first time for "mixed climbing". i have a car, rope ect and i would more than happy to drive.
  2. This summer i was climbing at exit 38 with a lady friend of mine. i was barely making it up a 5.6 on lead when two young women came hikeing up the trail and parked themselfs on the climb next to us. the first girl lead the pitch, which was rated 5.10b or something like that. I think it is a blast to watch people climb at a level that is above my own, and it is even better if they happen to be nice to look at. I love to climb with my women friend as much if not more than my buddies.
  3. Thursday 9/23 is my only day off this week and with the weather looking like it might not be that bad I need to get out and climb something. I lead 5.8 sport, easy trad (5.5). Im up for anything but i really want to climb the south ridge of Ingalls. Due to my daily support of R.J. reynolds fine line of products my ability to move rapidly is not what it once was. so if climbing with a slow, shitty climber sounds like fun or if you yourself are a slow, shitty climber please pm me and lets go.
  4. I Work odd hours and get split days off during the week. I am very out of shape but I am currently trying to get back out into the woods. if anyone is interested in doing some easy climb's this spring and summer and doesn't mind putting up with my slow ass pm me. I have reliable transportation and all the gear needed for trad, sport, alpine and ice. I can't wait to get back into the mountains!!
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