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About climinguy

  • Birthday 02/09/1968


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climinguy's Achievements


Gumby (1/14)



  1. Hey Will be in Bangkok, phuket, and krabi from 1/19 to 2/13 alone and looking for partners for climbing, Would like to travel some too. Anyone going or any beta would be great Stephen
  2. Climbed west face yesterday and found a green Patagonia pull over . PM me and you can get it back.
  3. Hey thanks for taking the time Read post about sub 3 hour approch to CBR/ hoping to climb this week and would like to get some beta. thanks Stephen
  4. nice to climb with you again shapp
  5. climinguy


    I pm'ed you I left ixe and crampons at got pass thanks stephen 206-372-3218
  6. Looking for partner or partners for sunday I am getting back from a broken hand and climbing low 10s at the most. I have gear,rope and car bla bla bla. Feel free to call Stephen 206-372-3218
  7. I am still looking for carpenters helper feelfree to call thanks stephen 206 372 3218
  8. contractor looking for another carpenter for a dormer job. min. 2 weeks you need to be able to use skill saw,have hand tools and transportaion to ballard. Start this week. if your intrested give a call Stephen 206 372 3218 Also need carpenters helper
  9. partner found thanks
  10. Looking for partner for cragging or light alpine 5.8 or 5.9 Sunday. leavenworth /index but open to ideas. Trad or sport Stephen 206 372 3218
  11. Looking to get to index anytime on friday/ have rack and rope up to 5.10 Stephen 206 372 3218
  12. Looking to climb this mornning or after noon up to 5.10 lower wall, blue loungeor up for anything must call 206 372 3218 stephen
  13. Looking for partner for index around 2pm up to 5.10 sloe children, thin fingers etc. Stephen 206 372 3218
  14. Hey shapp whos that sexy guy on the FA
  15. Hey Tom all that looks fun and some has been on my hit list and some I've all redy done . Hit me up and we'll exchange numbers. Stephen
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