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Posts posted by mattyg

  1. Thinking about doing this route in April. When does the icefall usually melt out? I've been up to Ingraham Flats several times but it was always in July or later and the Ingraham glacier was always an un-navigable mess. If we go in april are skis/snowshoes a must? I searched but couldn't find anything. Thanks,

  2. I sprained my ankle pretty badly about 7 years ago. It took awhile but at one point I was fully healed, with it only hurting mildly on long runs. I recently ran a marathon and I believe I've re-sprained it. My ankle hurts when I massage it in the same spot that it hurt previously. Also the muscles (I believe they are the peronials?) that run down the sides of my legs towards the ankle are sore and tight a lot of the time. My foot seems to be cocked at an outward angle and I feel like I'm developing a bunion on the lateral forward side of my foot. It's really irritating, and it makes my foot feel "unstable". What can I do to alleviate these symptoms? Glucosamine? Isolated stretching? Massage therapy? I'm going to the doctor on Wednesday.

  3. I did a cursory search and didn't find anything. Can someone give me the rundown on milages from where they gate Hwy 20 to the pass, pretty please. Who's gone up there in the winter? Any tips or tidbits of info to share? How long did it take you and what did you accomplish on your trip. Thanks for the info.

  4. take the grandview highway exit from highway 1 when heading west into vancouver.


    drive west a couple of blocks until near renfrew where you see the big arcteryx sign and an arrow


    follow the arrow, drive to end of culdesac, last right is parking lot.


    they had a seconds sale a week ago so might not have a lot of stuff left right now?


    Is this info still accurate as of 11/05?

  5. Looks like rainy pass takes 5 business days for local customers or repair +50% for expedited orders. So if I wanted it for this weekend it would probably cost about $40. Any other suggestions?

  6. I know there must be some info out there on back country skiing that I'm missing. I'd like to get into it but don't know where to start. Primarily I'd probably be using them as approach skis but would also like to ski for pleasure. Can someone give me the rundown of the different types of setups?

  7. I second the Marathon. Unlined, cushy heel, holds up pretty well. just turns your feet yellow.


    I broke my pair in by putting them on, getting them wet and then wearing them until they were dry. My feet looked jaundiced for a week! cantfocus.gif

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