Nice syntax.
I read what you wrote just fine. I'm not branding you as a Bush supporter. I'm just pointing out that Bush was about as on top of things as Clinton with respect to Bin Laden.
Hmm, failed to blow Bin shithead up because he was worried. Fucking pansy ass presidents like that contributed to the terrorism..
Don't forget about the multiple embassy bombings that were unheard unchallenged by the US. Also USS bobming attacks unchecked unchallenged and without response as well.
Don't forget about the folly in the beginning of the presidency in Somalia. Talk about head up ass and pansy fuck.
The near failures in the beginning of the first term in Europe were due to shithead pansy president Clinton's inability to manage military with sound judgement. Luckily enough the previous pres had enough troops and gear in the area before he could figure out why they were there and remove them. Thus allowing a semi successful - as some might call it outcome.
It's only luck (by opinoin) that he was never hounded much about Kosovo and other areas there. He failed to bring many War criminals to justice successfully IMHO. If you think the US military is a slaughter machine under Bush then you should look what the Demmies let go by without intervention. Turn their heads and fucking ignore and then call themselves peacemakers and pacifists and whatever else. I call that cowardice. I call that excuses.