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Gumby (1/14)



  1. Yep definately interested i have most of my personal kit with me snow shoes crampons etc very interested in practising some rescue techniques . I am also interested in climbing Rainier if the weather improves . Im up for anything , managed to get into olympics for hiking last week but thats it . Have scottish and some limited alps experience and some in NZ . Interested to hear when and where youa re going out . Cheers Andy
  2. Let me know maybee there NOT SURE WHAT IS HAPENNING AT MOMENT GIVE A SHOUT IN THE MORNING. TA im a bit off my head at the moment just thought id warn u to be honest cheers Andy hughes
  3. Am going head out to the olympics tommorrow if anyone can offer a lift or wants to come along more than welcome . Going out for few days not sure what to do yet still deciding anyone got any suggestions probably east side as i have no transport so will be hitching . Anyone heading that way or looking for people to hit the trail with let me know . All sensible and non sensible ideas considered. Cheers Andy
  4. Not hard but stupid and available . posted a note last week see uk climber . What level of stupidity will be required for this trip?? Have time and energy. ready to go by tonight/ Cheers Andy
  5. UK climber in seattle for 5 weeks looking to get out and about looking for easy going poeple with time on hands . To Get out to hills to climb or trek have no local knowledge so all info useful . 30 year old some experience in alps scotland and recently NZ alps . Want any hints on NZ ive just spent 3 months there. drop me a line so we can meet for beer and discuss possibilities.. Cheers Andy
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