Icefall, if you are being sincere then there are plenty of resources here in Seattle. Pencil Pusher had some amazing ideas on getting work. There is a hostel in downtown Seattle, Also, The Salvation Army can house you very cheap and provide cheap meals, $2.00 for breakfast and lunch, $3 for dinner. They can help you on many fronts and they are great people there. I have done some volunteer work with them. It's going to be hard not having friends and family to go to in town, but the resources you have here are amazing. Plus there are a ton of food banks as well. But just don't sleep on the street. I see people every day do this and it is not a good way to live.
I knew this gal who lived in her van for a year. She had a good job and joined a health club so she had a place to shower until she had enough money for an apartment. Just keep up the good attitude. Check with the Unemployment office in Seattle. They have tons of job listings as well.