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Posts posted by adventuregal

  1. He spoke in town this morning... Had some interesting stuff to say. The story about cutting off the arm was FULL DETAIL! hellno3d.gif Hehe, I think some people got a little queasy. yellaf.gif His main message was that everything is mental. If you believe you can climb it/ski it/survive, then you will. What do you all think?? wave.gif

  2. From BBC news. Link: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/3120950.stm


    "Giant rodent astonishes science"


    The fossil remains of a gigantic rodent that looked something like a monster guinea pig have been identified by scientists in Venezuela.


    The rodent would have been in and out of the water


    The 700-kilogram beast - about the size of a buffalo - lived among the reeds and grasses of an ancient river system that threaded its way into the Caribbean Sea eight million years ago.


    Researchers think the creature, which was 10 times as big as today's largest rodents, could have run in huge packs.


    Evidence suggests it also had to dodge the constant attentions of super-sized crocodiles and carnivorous birds, which stood three metres tall.


    The discovery of "Guinea-zilla", as some have already dubbed it, is reported in the journal Science


    and it continues from there...




  3. Sphinx said:

    TIGHE said:

    Because I'm an old fashioned kinda gal. wink.gif

    Post a photo. I still think you're a guy.


    Don't fall for it! All the leacherous guys on here just wanna see how cute you are... yellaf.gif

  4. Dru said:

    there is something to be said for putting down roots in one place in that it lets one come to know it in a way only those who dwell there for long periods of time can do.


    I agree, Dru. I think it's so important to have a home to come back to. (Heh, this coming from a college student who moves every 4 months!) But like Minx said, you can still have a home but travel most of the time... I just feel sorry for those people who don't want to experience anything new. But that's their deal, not mine I suppose. When you go to someplace new, immerse yourself in the area! Talk to the locals. Get a feel for the place. Most of the touristy shit is a waste of money anyways. rolleyes.gif Bottom line... live where you're content and do what makes you happy! bigdrink.gif

  5. Sphinx said:

    You people are pathetic. Like the jackasses who have been born in one state and never cross the state line in their LIFE! Get your ass out of the PNW, see the world, decide if it's really the best there is. Talk about arrogant stupidity! thumbs_down.gifthumbs_down.gifthumbs_down.gif


    PNW might be better than ol' Minnesota, but that doesn't mean it's perfect. You gapers sound like you're trying to delude yourself into thinking that you're lucky that you can't move, because where you are is perfect. The opposite of "the grass is greener.....". Sour grapes. thumbs_down.gifthumbs_down.gifthumbs_down.gifthumbs_down.gif


    Don't generalize, Sphinx. I'll just say I've been to 43 or 44 of the states in the US and the NW is my fav! Granted, I haven't seen everything in every state, but by and large, I've gotten a feel for every locale. PNW is where it's at for me! thumbs_up.gif

  6. I was just sitting here writing a paper and got a wave of homesickness for the mountains... cry.gifcry.gif Someone go climbing or chase around a snaf.gif or something for me, will ya?? wave.gif Does anyone have any frequent flier miles you're willing to give up?! I'll be the belay slave! I just wanna see the mountains!! cry.gif

  7. The sound of a dry pencil eraser. hellno3d.gif


    Needy people who try to make you feel sorry for them/be friends with them only because they can't get attention elsewhere... rolleyes.gif

  8. E-rock said:

    adventuregal said:



    You respond as though you are a cat, feeling two mutually exclusive response mechanisms at the same time (i.e. hissing and purring simultaneously). How odd. thumbs_down.gifthumbs_up.gifcry.gifyelrotflmao.gif


    yelrotflmao.gif It would make more sense if you had read Greg's original post... And if something is funny but terribly stupid, I could see rolling your eyes and laughing at the same time... wave.gif

  9. Ok, this is a silly question, but can someone explain to me the very basics of an avy beacon? Alpine skiing almost solely in the midwest I have no experience with them. Haven't even seen one before. How do they work? I figure I had better learn since I will hopefully be in a location where I will have to use one this winter!!! fruit.gif

  10. This has nothing to do with anything but the subject of this thread "Junior high horsecock eating mentality" made me remember a day that will go down in my High School's history books... a potato sausage eating contest... hellno3d.gif I think 3 out of the 4 kids puked on the gym floor... pitty.gifcantfocus.gif

  11. I was house/dog sitting for a friend. Was super crabby from waking up to a pile of shit in the middle of the floor... Heard the news on the radio driving to school. thumbs_down.gif Spent the day around the TV at school...

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