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Everything posted by psm

  1. psm

    MT. Hood

    Thanks for the beta on the bivy spot. I have never climbed Hood before. Flew over from Hawaii last week and did Rainier with a few guys, Nice to be back in the snow . Doing Hood South side with a couple of newbies(good hikers but never climbed) Hope its not to steep for them.
  2. psm

    MT. Hood

    Climbing Hood on Sunday and need to know if there is a good place to bivy above the ski lift. Is it safe to leave your tent and equipment while you summit Thanxs...Peter ?
  3. The reason that I wanted the Trango Ice over the Extreme S was the because the Ice was not leather (wet ect) The Extreme S are made from 3mm. Roughout Leather wereas the Ice are Keprotec. I originaly liked the Nepal Extreme but as it's also leather I thought that the Extreme Ice might be more water tight............What do you think ??? I can only shell our for one set of boots and intend to do Cotapaxi next yr.
  4. OK I have narrowed my choice to either the La Sportiva Nepal Extremes or the La Sportiva Trango Ice. Anyone have opinions about these two boots. Peter
  5. psm

    leather boots

    Ok seems everyone has different opinions! I am looking at Trango Ice boots................Maybe they will be able to do everything. I was looking at the Altitue plus but the trango ice are a little lighter. Anyone had experiance with long walkings in these boots? I know that they should be warm. Just not sure on the flexability for walk ins.
  6. Anyone have any thoughts on the Tecnika Altitude plus boots versus the Spotiva Nepal extremes. I will need them for Rainier this spring and Cotopaxi next yr. My leaky asolos have always been a little cold but ok in the New Zealand summer climbs around Mt. Cook. never gets much below -5c. Peter Ps. Living in Hawaii is great but difficult trying to plan a cold mountain trip as its always warm over here.
  7. anyone got any opinions on the Teknica Altitude plus ???? don't know whether to go with these or the sportiva nepal extremes, I have a wide foot so the sportivas may be out.
  8. why do you dislike the Koflach Degres ? Peter
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