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Posts posted by Bikeman

  1. You need to ask yourself if your emphasis is up (climbing, rock, mixed ) and you want to learn a new skill, go tele. If you value more down (skiing ) than up then AT suits you better. Fritschis and Denalis have worked good for me in all but very technical climbing up and down.This gear is comfortable and versatile althoug I hardly ever see it on sale. See you in the hills !!!

  2. We did this same tour on Sunday. We went straight up the face of Norse Peak and did a little bootin as well. It was a long way up but the skiing down was the best powder skiing and tree skiing I have done in a long time. Sun was out and the view is spectacular and snow was well consolidated. That is what I wanted for Christmas.

  3. One of my favorite tours of all time is to skin up chair 4 at Crystal to Henskin Lake and continue up to the threeway exit chute and up and over the ridge to Crystal Lake for some lunch and nature sit. By the way, I have seen some rather awesome ice on the north side of crystal peak that deserves ssome further recon work. If you like, take chair 6 up to the top of campbell basin and traverse over to threeway and drop down into Crystal Lake. This is also a great ski traverse to sourdough gap and Chinook Pass. Then back up and over for a great ski down into Silver Basin and back to the base of crystal. By the way, we will be spendind new years snow camping in that area so if you are interested do not hesitate to pm me .

  4. I love cytomax == I drink it before and after endurance events. Anything under two hours of heavy endurance and it is not worth it but it makes me feel good and I sweat like a stuck pig . I get a bit of a stomach ache if I mix too strong so it is important to find the dilution factor tha works for you. Electrolyte replacement is of supreme importance to me. In the winter I"m a Buddhist and in the summer I"m a nudist

  5. I am not sure what you mean by run but all routes on the backside of the ridge between the Queen and Threeway funnel down into the Crystal Lakes basin. The runs get less steep as you travel south down the ridge. From the lake, you follow the summer trail ,more or less,down to the trailhead at 410. It helps if you have hiked the trail in summer .Is this what you meant or were you talking about the run from the trailhead to the gate ?

  6. We skied late season when 410 is open and you basically ski/walk down the trail /path all the way to the trailhead at 410 very near the White River cutoff. Two options would be to ski back down to the gate, there is usually enough snow on the side of the hiway and usually ther is a path made by crosscountry skiers or stash a bike at the trailhead and cruise back to the gate in style. These are options when the gate is closed.

  7. Having skied on the backside of Crystal (mostly into Crystal Lakes) and a occasional trip to Hiway 410 I am not the least bit worried about patrols in the area. I consider this backcountry and refuse to let this freedom be legislated or regulated. This is wild country and should be entered at your own risk. Period.

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